Friday, July 16, 2021

Friday, July 16, 2021, Sophia Maymudes and Kyra Wilson

Sometimes you open a grid and it looks more challenging than most. For me, that most often happens with this sort of pinwheel appearance. Those chunky corners with all that white space is a THREAT right off the bat (Thanks, Dr. Haight!).

Fortunately, ARENDT and UMA gave some quick purchase in the NW. With ESPY in place and the RE____ at 2D, FRAMEUPS came into view, which made the rest of the corner straightforward. The pairing of AEROSMITH over CLEOPATRA is excellent. And the clue for 26A is a wonderful piece of trivia.

I thought everything would be a cakewalk with all three answers exiting the corner falling into place. But 27A: Sweat ____ (BULLETS) was a stumper for a while. I just couldn't see it. And I also couldn't bring ATROPOS to mind (along with her two sisters, Clotho and Lachesis). So I jumped into the NE corner, HOLIEST giving me something to work with.

I was never a huge fan of Kevin Smith's work. MALLRATS might have been a better one of his oeuvre. And this might be controversial, but I'm not convinced that ICEDANCE is a sport. Fun to watch and very difficult to do well, I'm sure, but doesn't there have to be a reproducible system of scoring for it to be a sport?

Now I was able to find my way to the SW corner. ZOOMBOMB is a great entry, and 53A: Last of the Greeks (OMEGA) didn't fool me for a second.

Finally, the SE corner came into view. PIANOLA and HANDYMAN were enough to open it up. Just like in the NW corner, MOMFRIEND and PLAINJANE are a beautiful pair of answers. And the less we think about the vermilingual tongue of the ANTEATER, the better.

This was a fun puzzle, although I could have used a little more cleverness in the cluing, just for the added spice. But a fine example of a Friday themeless. 6:49.

- Colum


  1. I enjoyed Clerks, Chasing Amy, Dogma, and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, but that's all I've seen of his work, so maybe I just saw all the good ones? :)

    And don't get me started on ICEDANCE. It, and many, many other things done in the Olympics, are what I like to refer to as "judged events."

    I thought my time today (13:33) was quite respectable for a Friday, but now I see that you've pretty much solved it in Tuesday time.

    My last square was the cross between PIANOLA (not "front of mind" for me) and TOTINOS (not in my mind).

  2. 7:56 for me, a pretty good time or so I thought :) What's this about gaffers and ZIPTIES? And of course there's always a time-sucking Philbo Error o' the Day, which was BETATEST not PLAYTEST.
    I almost met Monica SELES once. She was playing an early round match in a tournament here in Toronto, and the girl beside me was invited down to meet her after the match and participate in some sort of tennis-related contest. I was so bitter. It should have been me! She wasn't even a tennis fan, really!! I definitely would have shaken Seles' hand and said, 'Sorry, I didn't catch the name'. Opportunity lost!!

  3. I LOVED this puzzle! All the entries sang, IMO. Last to drop? INDY, even though I knew it was wrong. Only it wasn't. Took me awhile for the penny to drop on that. :-)
