Saturday, August 5, 2023

Saturday, August 5, 2023, John Guzzetta

A fine CODA to a fine week of puzzles with a TRESCHIC Saturday solve time for this solver: 15:45. By and large, the solve went very smoothly. I completed all but the northwest section on my first pass. The northwest ZONAL area was the one place I got hung up briefly. I was hoist by my own petard by entering "naG" for "Follow relentlessly" instead of the much better DOG. But, once it struck me that the correct answer to "Expert with a temper?" smite be SWORDSMITH, I was able to hack my way through to the end.  

Here are some of the RIESLINGS I enjoyed this puzzle so much:
"Play groups" (ACTS)
"They make compelling suggestions?" (HYPNOTISTS)
"They're there in the clutch" (EGGS)
"Defensive motions" (PLEAS)
And my favorite today: "One slow on the pick-up?" (SLOB) - ha!

Fill-wise, I liked the new-to-me TAIKONAUT. I also liked ALPHANERDS (no surprises there, I suppose :), THROB, and the edge-to-edge ITSAFREECOUNTRY. Overall, nice KAPPA the week.


On a side note, Horace and I recently received via the USPS an envelope containing two copies of a crossword puzzle by John-Clark Levin that was published in the July/August 2023 MIT Technology Review. There was no return address on the envelope and no letter accompanied the copies - in short, a puzzle wrapped around two other puzzles! The only clues we have to the sender are the postmark, the form of our mailing address (which has changed slightly over time), and the fact that two copies of the puzzle were sent. The paper puzzle itself, which had as a sort-of title, "AI did not make this crossword, but ...", was excellent. Horace and I solved it separately together and finished it at almost the same moment. We agreed in advance to star clues we liked so we could discuss them later. We starred exactly the same two clues! I'm not sure if I am allowed to, or even should reveal the clues and their answers here. I did look for an online version of the puzzle to link to, so we could share the fun, but I didn't find one. Anyhoo, I wanted to give a shoutout to both John-Clark Levin for such a great puzzle and to our Larry Lurker out there who may possibly B. one of our dear Readers. Thanks!


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