Monday, November 6, 2023

Monday, November 6, 2023, Desirée Penner and Jeff Sinnock

Back on target! Let's stay that way for the rest of the week.

Today's theme is highly inventive. The revealer comes at 56A: Where your eyes might stay during a suspenseful scene ... or the only place you'll find the "eyes" in this puzzle (GLUEDTOTHETV). 

And in fact, there are only three pairs of Is in the puzzle, each in a long across answer around the letters TV. How many answers can you find with the string ITVI? Not a lot. Nicely, each set crosses the two words in the theme answer phrases.

TRANSITVISAS and CROSSFITVIDEO are far more standard phrases that HOBBITVILLAGE. I suppose that Hobbiton is exactly that, but never referred to in that sense in the canon of Lord of the Rings. Mostly we just hear about the Shire, and a little of each settlement's names.

Anyway, it's very inventive, and I love that the remainder of the puzzle avoids the Is. 

This puzzle took me slightly longer than typical for a Monday. I'm not sure why. I think I was thinking about the theme rather than solving the grid. Or is that the way you're supposed to enjoy these? I sometimes worry that I am too caught up in trying for the best possible time that I'm not actually having fun. Or it's its own kind of fun. Who am I to judge?

I love the word BLITHELY.

- Colum


  1. Colum, your review today really struck a chord. I took longer than usual as well - I thought it was just a titch harder than the average Monday. Plus, sometimes you're in the zone, sometimes not so much, and I was a little distracted while doing this one. The thing about enjoyment - I too have had those kind of thoughts, as I often find myself blasting through, watching the clock and not properly appreciating (or sometimes even twigging to) the theme. It's kinda how I roll, I know, but I feel sometimes that I'm doing the setters a disservice.

    BTW, I loved the "it's its" at the end of your review!

    1. Thanks, Philbo! Also, I clocked the "it's its" also.
