Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Tuesday, August 8, 2023, Zachary David Levy

It's a rainy day today on the southern coast of Maine. The coffee pot has been emptied, and we're just sitting around on the porch discussing the seven deadly sins, the four cardinal virtues, and the difference between deadly and venial sins. But perhaps you'd rather discuss the puzzle? ... oh ok


The theme today is STATELINES. That is, heavy vertical lines in the middle of four theme answers, on either side of which are two-letter state abbreviations of abutting states. I like ROYAL|FLUSH, FANNY|PACK, and ANGKOR|WAT, but I am not a fan of STARBUCKS|COFFEE. The answer is fine, I know it's a thing and all, but I am not a fan of the brew.

It's odd to encounter a single COCOAPUFF (Bit of chocolate-flavored cereal), and BANKGUARD (Security officer with an eye on teller transactions) isn't exactly what one would call "bonus material." My favorite fill might be COLIC and SKULK, just because they are so unusual. Although I do also fancy FANCY (Really like), and WATER (What more than half of the human body is composed of) does bring to mind an old Star Trek episode where one of the aliens calls the crew "ugly bags of mostly water." 

But on the whole, entries like TSLOT, REHANG, ETAL, and ULNAR dimmed the GLAM factor a bit. 

- Horace

1 comment:

  1. My favourite Star Trek "TNG" episode! Silicon-based life forms on a planet humans were unthinkingly attempting to mine. "Ugly! Ugly! Bags of mostly water!!"
