In the course of my solve, I hit two trouble spots. First piece of advice when solving crossword puzzles: read the clue carefully. I first entered WOMaNOFLETTERS at 20A because I missed the plural in the clue. Fortunately, EULER ("Swiss mathematician who introduced functional notation") has been in the puzzle often enough that I realized that 'aULER' was a mistake. The second piece of advice: brush up on sports and botanical topics. When faced with the cross of "N.B.A.'s Westbrook, to fans" and "Stiff bristle, botanically," I was ATSEA. After running the alphabet, I finally settled on RUSS/ARISTA as the most likely pair, and that was correct, but the time loss was a BLOW.
Elsewhere, I thought "Showstoppers?" for ADS was nice, as was "Best effort" for AGAME. I enjoyed the Socrates quote, "He is richest who is content with the LEAST" - I'll try to keep that in mind this holiday season! OTH, while I didn't get hung up on TUSKER ("Elephant or warthog, e.g."), I didn't love it, either. I did like that the fill featured a number of words with non-English origins like TOILE, MOI, EMOJI, CANTATA, BOERS, AMONRA, NINJA, and IMARET that spiced things up a bit.
I had the same problem areas as you. And I didn't realize that the two sisters were estranged! Interesting review! :)