Friday, November 17, 2023

Friday, November 17, 2023, Hemant Mehta

It's themeless time! Like we like. You know it's going to be a good puzzle when you start with Greek myths (HERA) (Presider over weddings). Right nearby is a REDSOLOCUP (Common receptacle in beer pong) and "The 'glitter of the snack world,' per Ellen DeGeneres" (CHEETODUST) - sounds like a party! And who doesn't enjoy getting TIPSY, or a good ol' TORRID love affair?  


LOTTOBALLS (Focus of a get-rich-quick scheme?) is clever, and the two "Knockoff" clues (PHONY and CLONE) were fun. Of the two long Downs I like "One-sided curiosities" (MOBIUSSTRIPS), but DONTREMINDME ("Ugh, yeah, I'm well aware") isn't bad. 

The QMCs were plentiful today - "Make the grade?" (ASCEND), "Requirement for getting into school?" (STUDENTID), "Canvas finish?" (TKO). And "Pot growers?" (BETS) is perfect for me today, because tonight is Poker Night! :)

Let's see ... what else? I wasn't familiar with the expression BLAMESTORM (Heated discussion of who's responsible for a failure). Blame game, sure. But BLAMESTORM? Not so much. Nor did I know that ASCOT was a racecourse. It's British, of course.

Really, though, there's very little to complain about in this one. A solid Friday.

- Horace

1 comment:

  1. I'm grateful for the valuable insights and perspectives your blog consistently provides.
