Thursday, November 16, 2023

Thursday, November 16, 2023, Paolo Pasco

It was on October 25, 1975 that Evel Knievel jumped 14 Greyhound buses. I watched it on TV with my brothers. He was huge back then. I didn't remember this, but Wikipedia tells me that his next big event, a year later, was in my home town of Worcester, MA. And his final jump, in Chicago in 1977, would have been over - you guessed it - 13 sharks, but he crashed during practice and broke several bones. Later in that same year Fonzie jumped over a shark on Happy Days. 


Today, an animated motorcyclist follows the "punny advice" in 3D (GETOVERIT), and jumps three rebused buses, following the circled letters of the DAREDEVIL's name. Cute. And the theme is rounded out with LIVINGONTHEEDGE (Acting dangerously, like this puzzle's subject) at the apex of the jump.

I felt like I was clearing my own high hurdle today, as the puzzle played tough. For "Going rate?" I confidently entered fAre, and when Aft worked for the crossing "Back" I thought everything was going along great. It wasn't until the very end that I tore those out and corrected them to GAIT and AGO. And I tried Capetown before PRETORIA (One of three South African capitals). It's lucky Bloemfontein didn't fit!

Other tricksy spots included "Motion propellers" (AYES), "That's the key!" (ISLE), and "Is a no-body?" (DISAGREES). Hmmmm

Nice that COLUM gets in there at 41D. :)

May you all clear your own hurdles today.

Peace out.

- Horace

1 comment:

  1. This one broke me. I made the same mistakes as you, Horace. That plus PIGTAIL not RATTAIL in the SW corner. Absolute disaster! Also, the rebus control wasn't working at the bottom, so I had to leave it as COLUMB. Not my finest hour, but a good humility check.
