Thursday, May 2, 2024

Thursday, May 2, 2024, Brandon Koppy

I can't help feeling like this puzzle is almost there. It's cool that the Ts are not needed to solve the puzzle, but the fact that they were already in the grid felt strange. And TEALEAVES also seems a little odd, because they were never really used in the first place. Would it have been more interesting if the words using the Ts were clued, and the squares weren't shaded, and then they fell out? Hmmm... am I missing something? It just seems like there is a way that this could be better, but I can't quite put my finger on it.


"What has a big part in 'The Ten Commandments'?" was a cute clue for REDSEA. As was "Mobile home" for SHELL. Heh. Nice pair of "Father of ..." clues for ABU (... in Arabic) and BEN (... in Hebrew). And I was not familiar with the term RCCAR (Wirelessly operated toy vehicle, informally) (I'm guessing it's "radio-controlled car"), and I couldn't remember whether the comedian was Marc MAhON or MARON. I tried the H first, then put in all the Ts, then switched to R and got the "congrats" notification. I doubt that it was necessary to actually type in all the Ts.

Anyway... What did you think of this one?

- Horace


  1. I liked it. And I didn't put in any of the Ts. I kinda wish the reveal clue wasn't so explicit, although that, combined with the Ts all so visible in the shaded squares made solving much easier than a usual Thursday. I guess I really appreciated the construction.

  2. I was confused cause why fill in the T’s? What was the correlation between the extra words and the actual clues?
