Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Tuesday, May 28, 2024, Chris Leatherberry

WATER SIGNS are the theme today. So I think of Pisces, Scorpio, and Cancer, and because I have to do the review, I spend a while trying to figure out how the signs in the grid - 


could somehow represent those three zodiac signs. But no, they are just signs that refer to water. And ok, the first and the last are fine, but "WARNINGHIGHTIDE?" Is that even a sign? Wouldn't it have to be more specific? I mean, there's a high tide every twelve hours or so. Do we need to be warned about it? But then, what other "water signs" are there? "No Swimming" "Non-Potable" "No Diving" "Flash Flood Warning" "Red Tide" ... 

And was SEWER (Waste conduit) bonus fill?

OK, so what else... how about W. E. B. Du Bois. Did you wonder why this great man is buried in ACCRA? It is partly because he was invited to go to Ghana to work on an encyclopedia of the African diaspora, and while there - aged 93 - the U.S. refused to renew his passport, so he became a citizen of Ghana, where he died two years later. 

And after reading about Du Bois, I spent quite a bit of time reading about Leopold and LOEB. I had heard their names mentioned together, but I didn't know why they were famous. I'll keep this digression short - it was murder. 

OK. The clouds are breaking and the sun's coming out and this is my last day at the beach for a while, so I'm going to leave the Wikipediaing to you, and I'll see you tomorrow.

- Horace

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