Saturday, December 31, 2022
Saturday, December 31, 2022, Billy Bratton
Friday, December 30, 2022
Friday, December 30, 2022, Brendan Emmett Quigley
Thursday, December 29, 2022
Thursday, December 29, 2022, Rachel Fabi and Claire Rimkus
Wednesday, December 28, 2022
Wednesday, December 28, 2022, Josh Goodman
Tuesday, December 27, 2022
Tuesday, December 27, 2022, Lynn Lempel
Monday, December 26, 2022
Monday, December 26, 2022, Kurt Weller
Sunday, December 25, 2022
Sunday, December 25, 2022, John Martz
A fun literary theme today, with book title clues leading to punny answers. "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea," e.g.?" is a FLUIDVOLUME, for example, and "The Help," e.g.?" is a WORKINGTITLE. Heh.
Some very clever clues today - like "One might have three parts, with or without its last letter" (SUITE). Very nice. And for "I, to Claudius," I dropped in "ego," thinking I was all that, but no, it's not our "I" translated, it's his "I" used as a number: ONE. And speaking of false starts, I tried "Shh" for "[I know it's wrong]" thinking, you know, "We shouldn't be doing this, but let's just both be quiet about it...", but no, it was the much more literal SIC. Oops.
But my favorite clue today, by far, is "Cut with a letter opener?" Even as I saw the letters come in, it took me a while to understand that it was TBONESTEAK. A cut of meat that starts with a letter. Wow. Beautiful.
In other news, I put a Phil OCHS quote under my photo in my high school yearbook, little radical that I was. Poor Phil OCHS... through connections at work I later met his niece, which made me very happy. I'm sure I over-gushed about how much I liked her uncle, but she was very nice about it.
Finally, I did not know that there was a Looney Tunes animator called BUGS Hardaway. And I further did not know that it was he who first drew BUGS Bunny, and according to Wikipedia (which Frannie and I each donate to every year, and which I recommend you consider in your charitable donations), when Hardaway was given a model sheet for a new animated short, someone simply wrote "Bugs' bunny" on it, and, well, the rest is history. Fascinating.
I hope you enjoyed this one, and I hope you all are enjoying your Sunday, whether you've spent it opening presents or not. We appreciate each and every one of you who comes to check in on our little blog, and we wish you all the best, today and every day.
- Horace
Saturday, December 24, 2022
Saturday, December 24, 2022, Trenton Charlson
Happy Saturday!
Yesterday I was wondering if today's puzzle would be a real stumper, and when I saw Mr. Charlson's name, I knew it certainly could be, but it turns out that when the grid-spanners come to you, they fill in a lot of letters, and things went along pretty smoothly, all things considered.
There are eight (!) fifteens, so let's rank them.
ALABAMASLAMMERS (Southern Comfort cocktails) - as much as I loathe SoCo, I can't not like this name.
BEETHOVENSTHIRD (Symphony originally dedicated to Napoleon Bonaparte) - I think this is pretty well-known, but I actually entered BEETHOVENeroIca at first, and was mad about it, thinking "who would ever say that?" I really should have learned by now that when I think something is really off, it's probably my own dumb brain.
EUCALYPTUSTREES (Bush growths) - Fun realization, when it came clear.
After that, the rest are all pretty much the same. DOORTODOORSALES (Revenue source for a Girl Scout troop) was a little surprising. Does this still happen? And I wanted an "and" in SOCLOSEYETSOFAR, but it's ok as it is.
ODEON, STENOS, and PTL were OYS, but SATAN, FLYROD (Casting choice), and ATEALIVE (Creamed) were NEATO. "Seat in Parliament" (ARSE) always gets a chuckle. LATE (One way to run) was surprising in that it was not "amok," and NMI (Letters used in the absence of a letter) sent me to the reference desk. I can report back that I believe it means "No Middle Initial," and probably not "Notice of Mental Illness" in this case.
Lastly, I've flown into Paris a dozen times or more, always on Air France, and I've never landed at ORLY. I don't doubt that it's a hub, but it must not be their international hub.
It took me longer than yesterday's, but only about a minute more.
- Horace
Friday, December 23, 2022
Friday, December 23, 2022, Brandon Koppy
Interesting that the two long Down answers today are eye-related: STARINGCONTEST (Game that often ends in tears) and RETINALSCANNER (High-tech security device). See also: 52D "Good name for a florist or optometrist" (IRIS). And another fun related pair is "Quinceañera feature" (TILDE) and "Quinceañera, e.g." (FIESTA).
I liked BOTTOMDOLLAR (End of one's money), but I thought that TISSUESAMPLE (Culture subject) and CANNIBAL (One of a dangerous group in "Robinson Crusoe") tread a little close to the "breakfast table" line. Or whatever that decency litmus test is called.
On the brighter side, my poetry friends will enjoy the Plath quote at 50D: "I, to you, am lost in the gorgeous errors of FLESH." It's from her journals, not from one of her poems, but still... Plath.
ASTERISKS (Things not good to have next to one's records) is fun, COLDSPELL (Follower of an arctic blast) is appropriate for today's weather situation, and RYES (Old-fashioned options) is appropriate any old time. Who would use anything else? :)
This went right along for me - less than ten minutes. Often when Friday is easier than I think it should be, Saturday makes up for it. Here's hoping!
- Horace
Thursday, December 22, 2022
Thursday, December 22, 2022, David Steinberg
There has been a little talk of quitting the blog recently, but there has never been any talk of quitting crosswords, and it's puzzles like this one that will keep me forever coming back to these black and white squares.
Mr. Steinberg - part wunderkind, part elder statesman in puzzledom - has put together a little gem for us today. Four CARs enter the grid from each of the four sides, and they are given the choice of a ROUNDABOUTROUTE. In other words, they hit a rotary with three exits. Or maybe you will think of it as a "traffic circle" if you're not from New England. In France, our GPS, Dominique, called them rond points. Anywho... we are given clues for each exit, and we encounter them, as one does in rotaries, in a counter-clockwise order. Maybe I should just give an example to make this easier.
A CAR enters the grid at 5-Down, and the clue there is "First exit: Floor covers • Second exit: Addition signs? • Third exit: Checking the IDs of." So, as the CAR hits the rotary, the first exit goes out directly to the left edge, following 19A "Pedometer unit" (STEP), which, when read backward, as if exiting the rotary, is "pets" and when put onto the end of CAR is "carpets," which are "floor covers." The second exit goes straight down using 23D "We come in peace" speakers, in brief" (ETS) giving "carets" (Addition signs?) (nice), and finally, the third exit is 20A "[Correct!] (DING) "carding" (Checking the IDs of). See? Nothing simpler.
An aside - I cannot hear the word DING without thinking of a time, long ago, when I was in a restaurant with friends, and when one in our party mentioned that they were considering the "chicken almond ding," another said, rather bombastically, "I don't want anything with 'ding' in it!" Maybe you had to be there. I've since been told that "ding" in Chinese cooking means something like "diced" and I know it's idiotic to laugh at language, but we were very young at the time, and sometimes things are funny when you're young and stupid. (Hey, this gives me an idea... maybe if I can get us "cancelled," I won't have to be responsible for the blog stopping...) (but wait... I guess I still would be...)
All right, so where was I? The other three cars enter the grid at 26A, 66D, and 54A, and each has three exit possibilities. It's a tiny bit unfortunate that 26A and 66D read as RAC, which is not a real word, but I think the cluing saves the day here, because we are not being asked for a real word going in the normal direction. Neither are we just given a dash. We are given the exits, and the CAR is assumed, and it needs to be entering the rotary from the proper direction. Gah! I'm talking way too much about this. I think you all get the idea by now.
Interesting clue for ANGELINA (Name derived from the Greek for "messenger"). The Greek word is "angelos," and "angela" is the feminine, and ANGELINA is the diminutive. Angels are "messengers" of God. Words are cool.
My favorite quadrant, if it can even be called that today, is the SE, with the lovely trio of AMBROSIA (Those who consume it become immortal, according to myth), DERELICT (Broken-down), and GODLESS (Unholy). So good.
OK, this is getting long. I really enjoyed this one. Not a rebus, as we often (petulantly) say, but a great start to the Turn nonetheless. Keep 'em coming!
- Horace
Wednesday, December 21, 2022
Wednesday, December 21, 2022, Nancy Stark and Will Nediger
Well Hello there. I learned a few things with yesterday's blog post. First, I can be kind of a mean drunk. Sorry about that. (And apologies for the cheap shots, Rex.) Second, I shouldn't probably hint at things when there's a chance that the country's (world's?) leading enigmatologist might read it and then immediately call me on it. :)
So anywayyyyyy.... WHATSTHEBIGDEAL? Maybe we three and Rex should have a MEGAMERGER. YOLO! Heh. Sorry. There I go again.
I like this triply-imagined "big deal" theme. FIFTYPERCENTOFF is a pretty big deal, a MEGAMERGER is so by definition, and a ROYALFLUSH, well, that's the biggest non-wildcard deal there is. :)
Luckily, we've been watching a lot of BritBox, and we hear more about BAFTAs than we do about OBIES these days. So that BODEd well for getting 1-Down. Or is it "bade well?" No, that's the perfect of "bid," right? ... Luckily, there were no questions about awkward past tenses.
And speaking of not knowing things, were you as surprised as I was by 23-Across, "Country with the second-most Portuguese speakers" (ANGOLA)? I bet you know that Brazil is number one, but guess where Portugal is - fourth!
Another thing I don't think about much is RHENIUM. It was, apparently, the last stable, non-radioactive element to be discovered (in 1925), and it was named after the Rhine river (Rhenus in Latin), whence the earliest samples came. We've said it before and we'll say it again (for a while anyway. ;)), learning things from crosswords is one of the things we like so much about them.
Finally, I enjoyed the crossing of FWORDS and SALTY. Heh.
Fun Wednesday puzzle. It is Wednesday, right? Right. ... maybe that's another reason for us to keep doing this - so I can keep track of what day it is.
- Horace
Tuesday, December 20, 2022
Tuesday, December 20, 2022, Peter Koetters
Good evening. Horace here, with a gin-soaked review of today's puzzle.
Before I started doing crosswords, I would have called today's theme a rebus. But now let's just call it visual wordplay? Does that work?
CRACKFALLSCRACK (Gets overlooked, literally) demonstrates the theme well. The word "falls" is nestled between two instances of the word "crack," and if you were to describe that situation, you might say "falls between the cracks" which is equivalent to "gets overlooked." Similarly literalized are, "slips between the sheets" (rawr!), "hits right between the eyes," and "reading between the lines."
This is a kind of wordplay/puzzle/game that I enjoy. So thumbs up on the theme.
You know, since I'm a little drunk, I'm just going to tell you that I started this blog as a foil... an alternative ... a response to the Rex Parker blog. I thought his was too negative all the time, and I thought there might be room for a kinder, gentler blog. I'm not trying to normalize George H.W. Bush with those words. Despite the fact that once W. came in, his father seemed like a better guy. And then when that moron got elected, everybody got nostalgic for both of the Bushes. No. I don't want to say that any of that was good. Or that Rex was good. Is good. But he's been doing it a long time, and he's made a living on his negativity. Just like that moron.
Anyway, I thought of Rex today so I looked at his blog. And what do you know, he was disappointed with the puzzle. I can't remember how to spell "Nicene creed" or "go karts," or Brendan Fraser's name, or the former king of Norway, even though I've been doing crosswords my whole life... and I don't like it when there are two words that kind of mean the same thing. I hate language and its beautiful variations... waah waah waah. (And I know he'd complain about my spelling of "waah." Why not "waahh?" or the simpler "wah?")
I know we haven't reached many people, and I know it doesn't amount to a hill of beans, but no matter the viewership, I believe that we have offered an alternative for a while. ... who knows how long that 'while' will last...
So anyway... I'm not CROSS. I'm just OVOID after TWELVE drinks that ERODE my senses. My PLUM thoughts have PERISHED - OHMYGOD! - my PRIMARY functions are no longer working!
- Horace
Monday, December 19, 2022
Monday, December 19, 2022, Jennifer Nutt
Some people love themes in crosswords. Me, I could usually take them or leave them. There, I said it.
Today the theme is fine. You've got GIFT (Something that can be wrapped using the starts of...") and then you look at the associated answers and you see:
Fine. The first words are all associated with wrapping presents, and sure, it's gift-giving time, so that's appropriate, but TAPEDELAY is a little dated, I've never heard anyone pluralize the first word when talking about a scissor kick, and BOWSTRING is a rare word. I mean, there's nothing actually wrong with any of them ... oh, maybe I'm just being a crank.
On the brighter side, each of the longer Down answers is great. SKYROCKET (Soar) is uncommonly good, EXECRABLE (Unspeakably awful) is beautifully bad. Here's a little story, when we were in Paris recently, I bought a really expensive bottle of Calvados at a little boutique near the Marché Maubert on Boulevard Saint-Germain. I asked the guy working there if it was worth it to get the 25-year instead of the 12-year, and he said that before he started working there, he wouldn't have known, but ever since he started trying all these expensive bottles, he had become execrable. So now that's me, I guess. Enjoy!
ICEFLOE and SLACKER are also lovely fill, and DENSER makes me think of The Raven ("Then, methought, the air grew denser, perfumed from an unseen censer...").
The clue for IMAC (Something in an office that's not PC?) is cute, and "Sink attachment" for PIPE is very odd. Especially on a Monday.
Would I get tired of crosswords if they didn't have themes? I doubt it. Would everyone else? How should I know? I'm not the boss of them.
See what I mean? Execrable.
- Horace
Sunday, December 18, 2022
Sunday, December 18, 2022, Ryan McCarty
Christmas came early for me today - I got a themeless Sunday! And a fun one to boot! You might even say "I'm in heaven!" (AHBLISS) (THISISTHELIFE).
First of all, I like the spiral shape of the grid, the wide-open center, and the chunky corners. Then we get great C/APs at every turn. From the classic "What used to be yours?" (THINE) to the thoroughly modern MEMESTOCK (Sort of investment purchase with a spike in popularity through social media). "Joke that goes over the line?" (CRANKCALL). Let's enjoy that one while there are still a few houses with a landline (ours included!).
Our Canadian friend Philbo will surely have enjoyed running into POUTINE at 96-Across (Québécois dish of French fries, cheese curds and gravy), while the rest of us below the 45th parallel will have to settle for a BLOOMINGONION (Fried appetizer that resembles a blossom). And speaking of Philbo, perhaps he can tell me whether CESTBIEN ("That's fine," in French) is something he hears much. I mean, sure, I guess it means what they say it means, but I don't remember hearing it much while we were in France. It's not wrong, but...
ENFUEGO (Really hot, slangily) was great, and "Covered, in a way" (PAIDFOR) was one that I didn't see coming. "One might offer concessions" (FOODSTAND) was one of those lovely, obvious ones. But it was only obvious once I had enough crosses! See also: "Their business is picking up" (TAXIS). Just lovely.
Nice misdirection with the capital in "Apple product" (CIDER), and it was fun to learn the term PANTSROLE (Term for a male opera character played by a woman). Heh.
Overall, a really great themeless Sunday. Keep 'em coming!
- Horace
Saturday, December 17, 2022
Saturday, December 17, 2022, Christina Iverson and Tom Pepper
And the streak of fun and tough themeless puzzles extends! (At least to two puzzles. I've already forgotten about last week.)
Apologies for the late (ish) post: dress rehearsal today for tomorrow's Christmas concert, at Troy Savings Bank Music Hall. There are still about 25 tickets left, so get them while you can!
You know it's going to be tough going when you get all the way down the west side to 35A: It goes without saying (AXIOM) before you feel confident enough to put something in. Here, because 29D: Big actors (HAMS) gave me the M, and I felt like 36D was going to start with ON____. Just to make it clear, this was my last answer I filled in. I knew how it started but couldn't see ONEARTH for the life of me.
Even though I had ____HOAXES and YOUREONFIRE, I couldn't get the NW corner because I had put in walkS for 5D: Eschews a cab, say (WALKS). But I love 4D: Something you reach out and take (SELFIE). That's so good! And 17A: It just makes scents! (AIRFRESHENER) is hi-larious.
The middle down going staircase of long answers actually posed little issue for me. The Steven Wright quote was not immediately known to me, but I got it anyway. I love 16D: Cold shower? (THERMOMETER), and WEENIEROAST is just funny to look at.
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Appropriate for the season |
43A: No-frills retirement options? (COTS) - yes!
14A: Place with multiple ports (WINEBAR) - not a wi-fi cafe. Or a recharging station.
7A: Certain parental figure? (DADBOD) - seen many times, but still guffaw worthy.
I loved this puzzle. There's so much more here to admire. Great work! Finished in 9:03, faster than yesterday.
- Colum
Friday, December 16, 2022
Friday, December 16, 2022, Kameron Austin Collins
Be careful what you wish for! After yesterday's puzzle, today's was a shock of cold water in the face. Definitely tougher than usual Friday themeless fare, which I've come to expect from Mr. Collins.
So many good answers in the fill, which is absolutely enabled through the use of CHOKEPOINTS. Each corner is essentially isolated from the middle, making five mini-puzzles. You all know that I like a grid with more flow, but I did absolutely enjoy the words here, so it's a trade-off.
I broke in with DUNKTANK crossing 32A: Some menthols (KOOLS). I have no idea why that piece of information lives on in my brain. I wasn't entirely sure what 30D: Red, fruity alcoholic drink, informally (VODKACRAN) was going to be in the end, but because of the Roadrunner cartoon, I knew ANVIL, and therefore which alcohol was going to be used. I love that 36A: Toasted (DRUNK) crosses it!
I actually completed the SE corner first, with the nice crossing of DIANA and DATE helping out a lot. SORANDOM and NETZERO are great answers. Has anyone drunk an OLY? I had never heard of this beer (Olympia). The SW corner fell next, working backwards when I figured out the start of 40A. Definitely the least exciting of the corners.
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By ELENORE Abbott |
I moved up through the NE portion of the middle, with the excellent 31A: Inspiration for some fashion lines? (ZEBRA), and with the useful USEFUL to finally break open the NW corner. BADJUJU above AQUINAS! Very nice. 16A: Channel through a barrel (GUNBORE) took a long time to see.
Finally, the NE corner fell. I had TRANCES and BOLTCUTTERS, and took some educated guesses (APACHE, SISTER), and had to remove the initially incorrect harES for ASSES, a much more likely answer at the ending edge of a grid.
Impressive puzzle, taking me 10:39.
- Colum
Thursday, December 15, 2022
Thursday, December 15, 2022, Bruce Haight
I'm always pleased to see Dr. Haight's byline on a crossword puzzle. I know that I'll see a solidly constructed grid with a fun, often punny theme. So please understand that when I say I'm disappointed in today's offering, it has nothing to do with the quality of the puzzle. I think it's a solid Wednesday puzzle. I'm confused as to why it's running on a Thursday, the day I look forward to tricksy theme material. I have to assume that Mr. Shortz and company are running short (see what I did there?) on appropriate puzzles for the day.
With that out of the way, let's celebrate the excellence of the VICHYSSOISE soup. The origin of the name is debated, but presumed to be after the town that unfortunately is also the namesake of the Fascist occupation government of France during World War II. Nonetheless, the ingredients are simple, and in the grid are clued with the recipe instructions for each one. Take "Two pounds, peeled and chopped" NEWPOTATOES, cook in "Five cups, after lengthy simmering" CHICKENSTOCK, add "One cup, after cooling" HEAVYCREAM, with "Four cups, cleaned and sliced" SAUTEEDLEEKS. Yum, yum, and yum.
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BESS Houdini |
The corners of the grid are nicely chunky, with the SE being the most scrabbly. Here QVC, BBQRIBS and EXCEEDS make the tile value of this real estate soar.
Dr. Haight's sense of humor comes out with the successive clues at 28A: Lose (GETBEAT) and 30A: Don't lose (WIN). I also enjoyed the prankish GOTCHA and 44A: Missionary work? (BIBLE).
Otherwise it's a strong and fun but reasonably straightforward puzzle.
- Colum
Wednesday, December 14, 2022
Wednesday, December 14, 2022, Matthew Stock
Guess they can't all be debuts... Nothing against Mr. Stock, but I was enjoying the opportunity to welcome new constructors.
Fortunately, Mr. Stock has come up with a fun way to crosswordify another classic phrase: this time it's dem LUCKYBREAKS, which have been reinterpreted as things we as humans (I think mostly in the Western Hemisphere) have deemed to be lucky, broken up across multiple clues. The first and the fourth are across three words, while the second and third only across two.
It's done extremely well, I think. I love NUMB / ERSE / VEN[OM], and had to chuckle at [AB]HOR / SESH / OE[UF]. The craziness of those middle answers being broken into two syllables in both cases is impressive. I also love the clue at 57A: French breakfast item that sounds like a response to a gut punch. Hah!
[RET]RAIN / BOW[LCUT] is good because the hidden segments are surprising in their words. The same is true for the first part of [GRI]SHAM / ROCK[IER], but less so for the second. I'm not sure how it could have been done better though, so over all I have to give the theme a big thumbs up.
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I look forward to some baked BRIE at New Year's |
The fill is pretty well done as well. Of course there's a fair amount of necessary glue to make the whole thing work, but nothing way out there. I enjoyed PANACEAS and CRONUTS, as well as the reference to "Duck AMUCK," one of the all time great meta cartoons.
For clues, 42D: Left base? (THIRD) is a nice piece of misdirection - we're talking baseball, in case it wasn't clear. 19A: Name in price lists? (ELI) moves towards the cryptic crossword style clue.
Fun Wednesday, taking me a little bit longer than typical 5:23.
- Colum
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
Tuesday, December 13, 2022, Julietta Gervase
Two debuts in two days! Welcome, Ms. Gervase! It's great to see new faces (or just names in the app) in the constructors' community.
Today, we take four flower names and reinterpret them literally with wacky clues. Thus, BABYSBREATH is clued as "What might smell of Gerber products?" My favorite is 33A: The third "little pig," with his house of bricks? (WOLFSBANE). That's great. I also enjoyed LADYSLIPPER - do I sense a sort of fairy tale minitheme? 40A: Award for a champion angler? (GOLDENROD) is also very good. I'm sure there are many other similar opportunities for amusement - perhaps this could have made a larger puzzle, except that the answers aren't really long enough for a typical Sunday size grid.
The NW and SE corners are almost completely segmented from the rest of the grid, but the crosses were all fair and straightforward, so they didn't add too much time. Ms. Gervase was able to add in EVILGENIUS and HOUSEPARTY as fun long down answers. I also liked ANTEATER with its 2-foot long tongue (!).
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Is a small ear of corn really known as a NUBBIN? Apparently so, I have discovered after googling it. The word dates at least from the 1690s in the Americas, referring to corn. How surprising!
The only entry I did not like was 21D: "Fer ____" (SHER). I found the solve a little slow-going, in large part because of guessing "crumb" for SCRAP and "bliniS" for CREPES. The latter is completely accurate, and is in fact a Russian version of the better-known French delicacy.
- Colum
Monday, December 12, 2022
Monday, December 12, 2022, Anthony J. Caruso and Zhouqin Burnikel
Ms. Burnikel teams up today with Mr. Caruso for his first published NYT crossword. Congratulations on joining the ranks of the rich and famous! Well, maybe just famous. In certain circles.
Our theme today is revealed at 39A: Dog command ... or a hint to the starts of the answers to the four starred clues (GOFETCH). I like that the four theme answers hide the things a dog might fetch in ways that do not directly relate to a thing a dog might actually be able to carry in its mouth. Thus BALLOFFIRE and PAPERTRAIL. STICKTOIT is particularly figurative in this situation!
Bonus theme material can be found at 23D: Snoopy and Gromit, for two (BEAGLES) - two cartoon dogs who never in their lives would be caught dead fetching something. Also, perhaps 66A: R&B great Redding (OTIS) could have been clued to refer to the movie Milo & Otis...
It being a Monday, the clues do not skew tricksy. I still liked 41A: Org. for Penguins and Ducks (NHL), as well as 57A: Fliers that may consume thousands of insects in an hour (BATS).
Fun entries include KISMET and EMOPOP (I happen to really like Panic! at the Disco). It's a strong and smooth Monday that went by in 2:45.
- Colum
Sunday, December 11, 2022
Sunday, December 11, 2022, Laura Taylor Kinnel
Well, what do you know. Another year has slipped by. This is my final week of review posts in the calendar year of 2022. I will put off any valedictory remarks to my colleagues, but I will just say that it's been an honor and a pleasure to write these silly reviews for our faithful six readers. (I actually don't know how many readers we have! I just like to think I have a tiny little crew reading my blogs...)
Today's Sunday puzzle has a rebus theme! We do enjoy those here at HAFDTNYTCPFCFA. I especially enjoy a rebus where the spaces are unpredictable and/or the rebus themselves change from answer to answer. And we get both in this one!
Isn't it funny how we have different levels of disgust at the insect world? An ant or a bee (even with my unreasoning phobia) don't arouse the same amount to repulsion as, say, a roach or a tick. Still, the seven insects infesting this puzzle are reason enough to suggest a squashing reaction.
I got the rebus with the first answer. We all know that 23A: Hypotenuse-finding formula (PYTHAGORE[ANT]HEOREM) could have only one answer. But how to squeeze all those letters in? Fortunately, 9D: Simple shelter (LE[ANT]O) provided the answer. Imagine my delight when I got to 43A: One drinking soft drinks at a party, perhaps (DESI[GNAT]EDDRIVER) and realized the changing rebus.
My favorites are the ones where the rebus crosses words, like in the first one and in 67A: Symbol of Irish heritage (CEL[TICK]NOT). Next, I like answers where the insect name is pronounced differently than the syllable it finds itself in, as in 89A: "The Pink Panther" character (INSPECTORC[LOUSE]AU). I suppose INLIKE[FLY]NN and LUDWIGVAN[BEE]THOVEN fit in that category, but three-letter rebuses are less impressive.
61A: Cause of class struggle? (ESSAY) wins for best C/AP today. I also liked 80A: Bum (PATOOTIE), and 17D: Disorder from which Dostoyevsky and many characters in his novels suffered (EPILEPSY). That's the neurologist in me speaking up. How about 89D: Post-merger acquisitions? (INLAWS). Hah! That made 75D: Post-merger overhauls, informally (REORGS) better in retrospect.
- Colum
Saturday, December 10, 2022
Saturday, December 10, 2022, Sid Sivakumar
Friday, December 9, 2022
Friday, December 9, 2022, Brooke Husic and Hoang-Kim Vu
Thursday, December 8, 2022
Thursday, December 8, 2022, Grant Thackray
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Electron microscope image of RIME ice on both ends of a "capped column" snowflake. |
Wednesday, December 7, 2022
Wednesday, December 7, 2022, Karen Steinberg
Tuesday, December 6, 2022
Tuesday, December 6, 2022, Ross Trudeau and Wyna Liu
Monday, December 5, 2022
Monday, December 5, 2022, Tracy Gray
Sunday, December 4, 2022
Sunday, December 4, 2022, Gustie Owens
Talk, talk - it's all talk. Too much talk. Small talk. Talk that trash.
Any King Crimson fans out there? No? ... moving on.
Today's theme puts punny clues onto expressions used to describe gossiping. The local favorite, of course, is "The Boston Harbor worker ..." SPILLSTHETEA. Heh. The grossest one is "The athlete in the locker room ..." AIRSTHEDIRTYLAUNDRY. Somebody needs a HOSEDOWN. See also: "Sweat spots" (PORES) (Nice clue!).
I had never before heard of a PROUST Questionnaire, but I looked it up, of course, and it was apparently a parlor game in the Victorian era. Proust famously answered it at two separate times in his life, and his name has now been attached to it. My favorite of his answers is to the question "Your favorite color and flower" - in 1886 he wrote "I like them all, and for the flower I do not know," and in 1890 he wrote "The beauty is not in the colors, but in their harmony."
I had also never heard of an IDLI (Savory rice cake of southern India), but I'll be looking for them on the menu the next time we get Indian food.
As for good C/APs, how 'bout "Defense of a history paper?" (FORTRESS). And I really liked the simplicity of "Print maker" for PAW and "It's designed to catch bugs" for WEB. And I love the quote "ART is never finished, only abandoned." by Leonardo. Good threes are always a good thing.
Fun theme. And speaking of fun, Frannie finally comes back tomorrow! I, for one, am looking forward to that. :)
- Horace
Saturday, December 3, 2022
Saturday, December 3, 2022, Kate Hawkins
OK, so I get that NOTAKEBACKS ("Too late to change your mind now!") is correct, but doesn't "no takesies backsies" sound more natural to you? :)
Four tens and four elevens in the grid today. The best C/AP of the bunch is probably "Guilt trip?" (APOLOGYTOUR). Hah. And PIPECLEANER (One getting bent out of shape at preschool?) wasn't bad either. I think I had the Ps before I had much else, so I was trying to make "paper"-something work for a bit.
"Compact" was tricky for TREATY, and it took me a while to get DAM (Block), too. And since there was some confusion about blinds in poker earlier in the week, I'll say that the ANTE system is one way to seed the pot before the deal, but the other is the blind system, wherein the eldest hand and the player to her left, which is to say the first two players to get cards, are the only two to put money into the pot. The first is usually the "big blind" and it's usually a larger amount than a normal ante. The second is the "little blind," and that player usually puts in half of the big blind amount. These two players are essentially "betting blind" before seeing their cards, and it puts a little more pressure on them to stay in the hand. And since the deal goes around, everyone eventually puts in the same amount. I've never actually played in a game using this method, but I think it would be interesting to try.
The acronym ASMR was new to me, although I was aware of the topic, and the fact that there are many online resources catering to those wanting to stimulate such a sensation. It stands for "Autonomous sensory meridian response."
Ah, the many forms of JOLLITY that we humans delight in. Me, I think I can get a brain-tingly feeling from a particularly good crossword puzzle. :)
- Horace
Friday, December 2, 2022
Friday, December 2, 2022, Scott Earl
Was MONSTERMASH (1962 #1 hit that the BBC once deemed "too morbid" to play) in the puzzle around Halloween? I think it may have been, but I don't really recall. Anyway, I liked it as a starting answer today. Under that, I really wanted "the royal we," but EDITORIALWE (First person plural?) will have to do. It's certainly not an offense worthy of a LIFETIMEBAN (Highest bar?) (nice).
In the SE, we've got MINDREADERS (They know what you're thinking), PHOTOCREDIT (What a camera emoji in an Instagram caption often signifies) (how quaint, they're crediting photographers), and the answer that gave me a FWOE, RECENCYBIAS (Inclination to prioritize new events over historical ones). I kept thinking of the "banks" in "Banks who coined the term 'smizing'" as actual money lenders, and so I didn't see that it needed to be TYRA, and honestly, I can't remember what was going on with RECENCYBIAS, but it wasn't a term I knew. Sigh. I think my problem might be that I have a "long-ago bias."
Nice repeated "Swell!" clue for NIFTY and NEATO, and I enjoyed "Something that's dropped after it's finished" for ALBUM. I'm always happy to see ODIUM (Sense of loathing) in the grid, and MELBA (Toast opening?) reminds me that my brother recently went on and on about how much he likes rusk. Not exactly the same, but in the same family.
Finally, I liked the pair of viewing-related C/APs "Comment made with eyes closed, perhaps" (ICANTWATCH) and "Don't tell me what happens yet!" (NOSPOILERS).
Good Friday.
- Horace
Thursday, December 1, 2022
Thursday, December 1, 2022, Daniel Mauer
Rabbit, rabbit!
Boy, I had some trouble in the South today! NEODADA (One of many genres for Yoko Ono) was tough for me, especially because I had entered - and was pretty confident about - hAUNT for "Unnerve" (DAUNT). I still like mine, but I guess I agree that DAUNT also works. But anyway, I also didn't know that Joe-PYE weed was a thing. It is, and it can grow up to something like seven or eight feet tall. Weird.
So the theme, which I did not understand until I finished, is actually pretty fun. ANTICI (First half of this puzzle's theme ...) was very confusing, even as I uncovered ALMOSTTHERE and WAITFORIT. NOTQUITEYET was the last piece to fall for me, and only then did I put the ANTICI together with the PATION at the end. Hah! It was making me wait!
I enjoyed ATBIRTH beside NURTURE, reigniting the ol' nature vs. NURTURE discussion. Misparsing GOONTOUR is fun, and I'm sure our pal Huygens will enjoy mention of ANTARES.
I didn't know they'd go high-end with "About half of a sidecar" and entered "brandy" at first instead of COGNAC. (Full disclosure, I've also made them with Armagnac. Delicious.) Once again, the "direct imperative" style clue got me again with "Step on it!" (INSOLE). And I enjoyed "Sound a little rusty, maybe" for SQUEAK. Hah!
The top went a lot faster than the bottom for me, but it did not IRRITATE me. Indeed, even without a rebus, I thought this was a fun start to the Turn.
- Horace