Sunday, September 17, 2023

Sunday, September 17, 2023, Jill Rafaloff and Michelle Sontarp

Sometimes puzzle references seem aimed to a particular demographic, and today's song titles all seemed aimed at me. The most recent one is, I think, DONTBRINGMEDOWN (Entreaty to Hades (Electric Light Orchestra)) (1979), and even though that was the one I was least familiar with, it was still easy enough with a few crosses. 

That said, I did enjoy the fun "Classical" clues. The best two are "Warning to Icarus" (HERECOMESTHESUN) and "Criticism of Narcissus" (YOURESOVAIN). Hah!


Not a lot of great bonus fill - REITERATE and ARMBONES aren't exactly scintillating. But I did learn that AVON is "London-based," and I ended up reading a lot about the "vocal fry range" after looking into the notation of vocal ranges, as in "Vocal range from about F3 to F5" (ALTO). And are the suspected portmanteau elements of PARSNIP "parsley" and "turnip?" And is that not the oddest clue today? I think maybe it is. The best one? I offer "Smoke detector?" (NOSE). Counter-offers?

- Horace


  1. This was E-Z. Too easy really. I just wrote in all the theme clues and finished up in 8:14, better than my old Sunday record by I don't know how much...Question re. 1D, according to which Astro says "Ruh-roh." Wasn't it Scooby-Doo who used to say that?

  2. You may be right about that, Philbo. All I can really remember Astro saying is "Rastro."

    1. Google to the rescue! Apparently Astro was the first to say "Ruh roh"; Scooby-Doo was later. Sheesh. It's almost as though the two shows had the same writers.....

  3. And yeah, this was my fastest Sunday ever, too. Not quite 8, but 13, which is at least two minutes faster than any other Sunday for me.

  4. Philbo, you had me beat by less than 30 seconds. Easily my fastest Sunday as well. All of the classic songs just dropped in with no more than a couple of seconds' thinking.
