Thursday, September 21, 2023

Thursday, September 21, 2023, Dan Caprera

Fun start to the Turn today, with six answers going south. To me, the resulting crooked answers can also look like geese on the wing, only here they'd be flying out the northeast corner, which isn't perfect, but still, I like it. Another thing I especially liked is that all the second halves were clued on their own. Some of the beginnings were left as non-words, but there was no reason to use dash clues, because they actually did work, you just had to figure out how. Nice.

The trickiest of the six theme answers for me was "Center cut?," which turned out to be MOHAWK. Hah! 

NEC headquarters

And in crossover news, the Watergate hearings, which soon followed the "Infamous presidential denial" IAMNOTACROOK, preempted the airing of the first season of "The $10,000 Pyramid," hosted by DICKCLARK. Is Dick Clark still a household name? Does his New Year's Eve legacy continue? And was anyone else briefly confused by thinking of Michael Strahan, who hosts the $100,000 Pyramid? I was.

"Competitive poker?" was a fun clue for good ol' EPEE, and "Natural find with a cavity" was an interesting one for GEODE. "Capital of Washington?" was a stretch for ONES, and the singular GALOSH (Rubber overshoe) was odd. When I was little, we just called them "rubbers." "It's raining, put your rubbers on!" And here's a question - do SEAMEN wear rubbers? ... sorry.

Anywaayyyy... nice tricky Thursday. Just like we like.

- Horace


  1. This was fun! I loved EPEE. Was looking for something other than ONES, so that slowed me down. But what really tripped me up was 'D-F-A, for one', which I will stubbornly insist is a MINORTRIAD not a MINORCHORD, and that messed up the SW corner for ever so long. I didn't love that the horizontal parts of the migratory clues weren't all words in their own right, but maybe that's asking for too much.

    1. Agree with you on triad. I had that in place for a long time too!

    2. Well this music nut didn't even blink twice at saying "chord." Even if you're correct, I'll take the win in the puzzle.

  2. I spent far too much time with I DIDN'T IN-HALE, before acknowledging that a HALE isn't a bird. :-)

    1. Oh god. Why am I a blogger? I didn't even realize that the down answers were birds. That's really beautiful, and I totally missed it!
