Friday, March 8, 2024

Friday, March 8, 2024, Jackson Matz

Yowza! This was a toughie. I thought for a while that I might never get that SW section, but finally I guessed at BUB (Chap) (odd), then BISTRO (Casual dining setting) (depends on the bistro), and finally WHOOPEECUSHION (Butt of a joke?) (meh) deflated the whole problem. I had hung onto shAwl for far too long for "Cameos might be seen on one" (TIARA). Are they really seen on TIARAs? I can't picture it. I felt like shawl couldn't be right, though, because I was kind of hoping "Give it a whirl!" would be "baTOn." So many problems in that area...


Anywayyyy.... It's always nice to have a challenging puzzle, but sometimes they feel better than others.

I did enjoy the long 15s - ICOULDEATAHORSE (Hunger hyperbole) (I guessed this one off the clue) and CARETOELABORATE ("Wanna tell me more?") (not so, this one!), and "Things going beyond your control?" (SELFDRIVINGCARS) was almost good.

I just enjoyed some NAAN (Bread with charred brown spots) last night at Punjabi Dhaba in Inman Square. Mmmmm..... Highly recommended.

My favorite clue might have been "That's what I just said!" (JINX). Heh.

A difficult Friday always makes me wonder about Saturday - will it be even harder? We shall see.

- Horace


  1. Cool puzzle! I had the same problem picturing cameos on a TIARA...but just now I looked up TIARA on Wikipedia:

    "The basic shape of the modern tiara is a (semi-) circle, usually made of silver, gold or platinum and richly decorated with precious stones, pearls or cameos."

    Never had NAAN, but as long as was researching, I looked it up...yes! Brown spots! And it looks delicious!

    1. Oh Kelly! Go and get yourself some NAAN! You owe it to yourself as a crossworder! :)
