Sunday, April 6, 2014

Sunday, April 6, 2014, Patrick Berry

At Times

In an odd turn of events, Horace and I solved this puzzle together alongside two of our co-solvers and frequent commenters. They were working on paper while we applied ourselves via the app. There was a general moratorium on comments while the solving was underway, which was more or less respected by the parties involved. Once all had finished, general discussion ensued, which leaves me with very little to say here and now. But, in case there are other readers out there, here goes.

I, for one, enjoyed the theme today. My favorite of the theme answers was 74A. Farmer, at times? (CHICKENTENDER) followed by 47A. Old-fashioned barber, at times? (FOAMRUBBER). See, the barber rubs foam, but foam rubber is also a thing. Get it?

As a computer nerd, I was pleasantly surprised to see MACRO (62A. Software user's shortcut). I also enjoyed 9D. Person moving against traffic? (NARC). 56D. Goes to court? (ASKOUT) is also real cute.

There was general consensus that 104D. Expiration notice (OBIT) was one of the best answers in the puzzle. Another popular item was 57A. Offensive line striker (CENSOR). Very nice.

Altogether (ha!), it was a fun Sunday puzzle, which has been a little hard to come by lately. Thank you Mr. Berry!


1 comment:

  1. Time unknown.
    I starred 28A Dressage rider, at times? (COLTREVOLVER), thinking that could describe, at times, Cousin Kel. Also, 90A Spirits in Scandinavia (ABSOLUT) because I like vodka. 106A Fall stopper (GROUND) was nice, as was 4D Brought to tears, possibly (MACED). I'd originally filled MovED in there, which led to problems. There was a "Huygens-themed" clue/answer, quite literally: 75D Blue (EROTIC). I take exception only to 89D Long-eared dogs, informally (COCKERS). Does anyone say that? And would someone think that dogs were being discussed?
