Sunday, September 12, 2021

Sunday, September 12, 2021, Alex Rosen


Apologies for the late post this evening. Not the most portentous way to start a week of blogging, but our return from New York City to Albany was delayed by discovering that our car was not where it had been parked at the start of the weekend. Turns out the NYPD had moved it to make way for a memorial for 9/11 first responders. Not towed, and there had been no signs to let us know not to park in the perfectly legal space. All's well that ends well, though. Thankfully the car was completely fine, just in a different place.

Today's puzzle was a fun example of a higher than usual quality Sunday grid. There are a number of circles throughout the puzzle which spell out the parts of an emoticon SMILEYFACE (;-)). Or at least a winking one. Thus, "semi/colon," "HYPHEN," and "parenthesis." I love the tongue-in-cheek aspect of the theme answer at 25A: Phenomenon such as the tendency to see human forms in inanimate objects (PAREIDOLIA), a word I'd never come across before, but which is entirely applicable to today's puzzle.

Some great clues today:

12D: It's often left on the table (FORK) - as in the location in the place setting, not remaining after clearing up.

41D: Duck and goose, at times (VERBS) - did not see that coming!

44A: They await your return, in brief (IRS). Sad, but true.

21A: What can make men swear from menswear? (SPACEBAR) - hah!

94D: It may run from an emotional situation (MASCARA). Very nice.

Add to that the fun answers like TIDINGS, LOWLIFES, AHAMOMENT, and CONGALINE, and you get a fun solve.

What's with the rash of CRETANs recently?

- Colum


  1. Agree! Fun solve, in 12:34 except FWOE, thanks to yet another stupid typo. PAREIDOLIA was a new one to me!

  2. Hah! You hit all the highlights, Colum, and of course I'm very happy to see the new mascot pictured! (Philbo, I grew up in Worcester and remain quite fond of the place.)

    Sorry to hear about the car snafu. Glad it ended well, or at least not badly.

    1. OK good, cuz now I can ask you how 'Worcester' is pronounced. Is it 'Wooster'? 'Wor-chester'? Who knows, I might find myself there some day and want to blend in....

    2. It's neither of those two, that's for sure. Think of starting to say "would," leave off the "ld," and end with "ster." And don't think about the actual spelling at all. :)

    3. Gotcha! So, *not* rhyming with "rooster" :)

    4. Right. Although I understand all the confusion, especially when the team is nicknamed the Woo Sox. This is because some young people have, in the past, anyway, referred to Worcester as "The Woo." But also "Wormtown." And speaking of - if you ever get a chance to try Wormtown Brewery's "Be Hoppy" ale, I highly recommend it. :)
