Monday, November 14, 2022

Monday, November 14, 2022, Taylor Johnson

A PIZZAPARTY can be a pretty great event. I prefer the kind where the pizzas are home-made, and everyone can pick from various topping options, but three things are pretty much constants in every recipe - crust, sauce, and cheese. And it doesn't light up with the other themers, but there's no way BASIL wasn't put in the middle intentionally.


So anyway, it's me, Horace, again this week, taking the week for Frannie, who is relaxing in Paris. :) So you'll have to wait another week for her WITSy comments while you're stuck reading my WEAKSAUCE. And speaking of her, I'm sure she enjoyed seeing ANTIMATTER (Warp drive power source on "Star Trek") in the grid, nerd that she is. :)

Funny that TIMEBOMBS and EXPLODES are both in the grid. And "Revolutionary maneuver in sports or break dancing?" is a clever twist for SPINMOVE. (See also: ROTATE (Turn clockwise or counterclockwise.) And "You'd better believe it!" is funny for DOGMA

It's amusing (to me) that they specify "hot" in "Largest hot desert in the world" for SAHARA, because we recently attended a trivia night where the question came up - "What's the largest desert in the world?" Many people guessed SAHARA, but the correct answer is Antarctica, which is bigger than the three largest "hot" deserts combined.

I'll sign off before I get a lot of TLDR comments. A demain!

- Horace


  1. Thank you, Horace, for explaining the reason for "hot" in the SAHARA clue! And do you know? I've used a Mac forever and never knew about "command-shift-3" for taking a screen shot -- and I've taken a LOT of screen shots (using command-shift-4). Add GENZER -- or is it GEN-Z-ER and this has been a very educational experience!

  2. Fun puzzle. I FWOE'd because I misread the clue for 28A entirely, thinking it was looking for something impressive, and I was left with WEArSAUCE. Who knows. Kids these days say all kinds of things. Turns out I absolutely know WEAKSAUCE. I'm going to make the other one stick somehow.

  3. I was happy about ANTIMATTER being in the grid, too, so add me to the nerd list, I guess. And I'd have known the Antarctica thing as relates to a desert since I was just there recently and, of course, did some studying prior to going. It was decidedly dry there, and very big; I was pretty far inland, camping on Union Glacier for six "nights," and never saw a flake of snow falling, although there were a few clouds one day. Or was it night? Tough to remember, exactly. Anyway, even though I was adjacent to the South Pole Plateau and it was still a four hour Twin Otter plane ride to the South Pole from there (I didn't go).
