Sunday, November 6, 2022

November 6, 2022, Michael Lieberman


Hello! HOWENSUITEITIS to be back writing the reviews again after two lovely weeks by Frannie and Colum. And we've got yet another amusing Sunday puzzle. If this keeps up, I wil have to adjust my standard line that Sunday's are often not that good. 

Today we've got the classic "title tells you what's going to happen" situation - so that the clue "Why the party's about to get less hip?" results in SQUAREENROUTE, because it has been length-ened by adding an "en" to "square root." That was a good one. ENGARDEIANSOFTHEGALAXY ("Prepare for a sword fight, McKellen, Fleming and all other namesakes out there!?") was another pretty good one, but the best one is clearly "Challenge for a court jester?" (THEROYALENNUI). Nice.


 Some nice C/APs include: "Thing to bash at a bash" (PINATA), "Service that's not good?" (LET) (harkens back to the great clue from yesterday "A bad one is your fault" (SERVE)), "Where someone might fiddle with your dance moves?" (HOEDOWN), "The old you?" (THOU), "It's full of hot air" (KILN), and the outstanding "It moves one step at a time" (SHOE).

I enjoyed it. How 'bout you?

- Horace


  1. I liked SQUARE EN ROUTE and HOW EN SUITE IT IS the best, I think, but THE ROYAL ENNUI is fun, too. I like silly puzzles like this, anyway, so it was all fun.

  2. I, too, quite enjoy this type of puzzle, especially after I figure out the first theme answer. SQUAREENROUTE is tough to beat. I'll probably avoid a TEAEGG if ever I find myself in China.
