Sunday, October 1, 2023

Monday, October 2 2023, Alexandria Mason

Well folks, I'm a little fatigued after my charity bike ride today in the hills west of Toronto, and that explains my careless, scattershot approach to this Monday's crossword.  Too embarrassed to enumerate my errors but they were plentiful, along the lines of START instead of ONSET for "Commencement".  That sort of thing.  But that was just me.

The puzzle itself was fine Monday fare, with a gentle phonetic theme that had 5 answers - 6, including the revealer, ending with the same phonetic sound : DAILYHIGHS, SAMURAIS, BEHINDBLUEEYES, ASTHECROWFLIES, INDISGUISE and the revealer FINALIZE.  This is quite neat in that the same sound is expressed in six different ways (readers - can you think of others?); and also, it is always impressive to fit that number of theme clues into a 15x15 grid.

Stray notes and observations along the way .. I don't think SAMURAIS (12th-century Japanese warriors) has a plural form like this, notwithstanding its contribution to the theme.  (Anybody?)   .. Who knew that Juliett (the NATO letter before KILO) had that double T at the end?  Till now, not me! ... "Make-up artist?" (LIAR) was a fun little QMC ... As for Scotch, I take it single-malt and neat, thank you very much - no SODA for me!

A fun easy introduction to the week!  Stay tuned for the Tuesday review ..


1 comment:

  1. The dictionary allows SAMURAIS as a plural form (and so, evidently, does auto-correct).
