Monday, July 1, 2013

Monday, Jul 1, 2013, Patrick McIntyre


Nice theme of SHOWDOWNS (21 Decisive confrontations ... or what the answers to the six starred clues are?), or "shows" that run "down" in the grid. Seven theme answers - eight(!) if you count the bonus ACTS (38D: Parts of musicals). That's kind of a lot of theme material, which is great, but the fill is less than sparkling. Well, it's not universally bad, by any stretch, but I might be over-sensitive to things like EAVED (59A: Having a roof overhang), TMS (20A: Regd. names), OHO (47A: "Well, looky here!"), and YOO (48A: "____-hoo!"). And sometimes on Monday the clues are just so ridiculous. Witness 71A: Car gear for backing up (REVERSE). That word is worthy of a more interesting, late-week clue. Sigh. And how 'bout 36A: The second "W" of W.W. II ? For whom is that not a gimme? Well... I suppose on Monday you need a few gimmes...

It's nice, on the other hand, to see LYNN (58A: ____ Swann, Super Bowl X M.V.P.) and SHACKLE (7A: Prisoner's leg restraint) and TROMPE (1D: ____ l'oeil (optical illusion)) are both fun words. And it's kind of interesting (to me) that the frequently-seen ETA received a clue I've not seen before - 5D: Announcement over a plane's P.A. I also liked the clue for BRAT (39D: Baby sitter's headache). And who doesn't love being reminded of SATYRS (74A: Lecherous goat-men)?

I sat down to write today thinking that I would slam this puzzle, but after doing the writing, and reviewing it once more, I have decided that it was AOK for a Monday.

- Horace

1 comment:

  1. 13:03
    Well I thought this one was fine. I liked the theme, and even though there was a good amount of gimmes, there was plenty to keep me on my toes, like STEELER, SATYRS and TARHEEL, none of which I think of too much on a regular basis.

    I'm still working on Sunday (almost done after 1:25:55) and Friday (~2/3 finished).
