Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Tuesday, February 7, 2023, Ellen Leuschner

Today's theme clues list a set of things that literalize a common expression. So to make a DAISYCHAIN, the clue is a set of people named Daisy ("Buchanan-Duck-Duke"). We have a PILE up of trucks ("Silverado-Ram-Tundra") that form a PICKUPLINE (my favorite), and a trio of axes, if I may, ("Fender-Gibson-Yamaha"), that make up a GUITARSTRING - too bad there weren't six of those! We also have SUBWAYSERIES ("Paris Métro-BART-London Underground"), but I missed the boat on that one. I don't know what a subway series is. 

Daisy Buchanan

I was briefly puzzled by the five-letter answer for "Snack-motivated Great Dane of toons" because I couldn't cram Scooby-Doo in there, but thanks to some meddling Down answers, the mystery was eventually cleared up, and all we needed was SCOOB

Horace and I recently started watching a performance of Sondheim's "Into the Woods" so MAGICBEAN ("One of several traded for Jack's family cow, in a fairy tale") was fresh in my mind. I enjoyed the clue "One getting shorter throughout the morning" for SHADOW. I thought "Third degree?" for PHD was amusing. I accepted REBUFF as some fine, rarely-seen fill.

I'll LEAF you with a final thought: as I reviewed the completed grid, it crossed my mind that with ARIA, SONG, and SACRE, you could almost have an AIRSUPPLY. :)



  1. Wow, what a terrific theme! Beautiful! Frannie, I had the same hesitation with SCOOB as you did. (It's called a SUBWAY SERIES when any NYC teams play against each other, since all the fields and arenas are accessible by subway.)

    1. Thanks, Kelly. Now that I know what a subway series is, I guess I'm not super surprised I've never heard of it.

  2. SCOOB? Really. I was amused and entertained by this one; this kind of punny wordplay is right up my alley (as it is yours, Frannie no doubt :) ) I finished this one in the *exact same time* as Monday's! Weird.

    I got an invite to the ACPT in the mail today. I trust y'all are gracing the event with your presence(s) again this year??

    1. I can't speak for Horace or Colum, but I'll be there, sporting my new crossword-themed socks. :)

    2. Funny about your time, Philbo. I was just four seconds faster today than yesterday. Weird.

  3. And yeah, we'll be there. It's right around my birthday, so I'm hoping for a puzzle five I can finish as a present. (hint, hint, W.S.!) :)

    And you notice Frannie said "Started to watch" Into the Woods. I think I found out that day that I am not a Sondheim fan. But this isn't a Broadway blog, so I'll keep my ranting to a minimum.
