Sunday, July 2, 2023

Sunday, July 2, 2023, Rebecca Goldstein and Rafael Musa


It's been an odd week, selon moi, and it continues today with this puzzle that reminds me of the floor in front of my closet, where can be found on any given day several pairs of shoes placed randomly. Heel, boot, clog, and flat, all doubled, because shoes are sold in pairs. Well, I guess if it were to more accurately represent my floor, it would have been loafer, loafer, lace-up, sneaker, but it's not always about me. Or so I have been told.


Anywhoo, the shoes are side-by-side in the Across answers, but read as one in the Downs. Why is this? Probably because it would be next to impossible to fill the puzzle if they were doubled in both directions. But either way, they're BIGSHOESTOFILL.

So, THEELEPHANTMAN (1980 film that led to the creation of the Academy Award for Best Makeup), a traumatic experience from my childhood, has been softened in my mind lately by David Dawson's hilarious portrayal of Joseph Merrick in The Year of the RABBIT. If you haven't watched it yet, I recommend it. Matthew Berry has made some very funny television shows.

Also, I got up at about 5am this morning, so NAPTIME might not just be an "Important part of a toddler's day." Heh.

"Break after a major fall?" (SNOWDAY) was clever, and "Angles above 90 degrees?" (HOTYOGA) was cute. And even though I work just down the street, I didn't know that MIT's mascot was named TIM (Collegiate beaver mascot whose name is its school spelled backward). I had "cloCk" in place for "What always has time on its hands" but TIM helped me switch it to WATCH.

Frannie takes over tomorrow, but I might be back mid-week because she is finishing up some things at work and might need all the time she can get. So DER will be a couple KNEE-slapping days, then it's back to LESS GUT-busting. BUTWHY? I can almost year you YELLAT me... but what ELSA can I DOE?

- Horace


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