Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Tuesday, July 4, 2023, Barbara Lin

My fellow Americans, today we celebrate the independence of our nation via its most common attribute: the BURGER. Above the BURGER itself, four theme answers provide traditional toppings, three of which are in phrases that have come to the fore in times more recent than 1776: TOMATOMETER, the movie rating scale launched in 1998, GLASSONION, a 2022 cinematic offering, PICKLEBALL, a sport that began in 1965 that is now sweeping the nation, and GREENCHEESE, a not-so recent idea about the makeup of the moon, but one that I think is coming back into vogue. Too bad the final answer couldn't have been BLUECHEESE, then, in addition to the burger toppings, the answers could also have represented the good old red, white, and blue  - with GLASSONION bringing the necessary spangling of stars. The pickle could be a little green thrown in to show how much we've grown as a nation in the past 247 years. Personally, I would leave off the onion and double down on the pickle and tomato. But that's what America is all about, right, personal choice? 


I was surprised to see, when the app congratulated me on successfully completing the puzzle, that I hadn't solved today's puzzle faster than yesterday's, albeit by only a few seconds (5:17). I was immersed in more of a QUIETCAR atmosphere this morning, compared to yesterday, which might explain it. 

As those who know me can attest, I make frequent use of the word VEX when something HITSANERVE. I find the word RUE is good for what ERRS you. I also enjoy the word PERP. C/AP-wise, my favorite today was "Really feeling it, so to speak" (SORE) -  reminds me of times when good health intentions GOBAD

Some fun possible bonus theme material for today: IPA, BRAT, and OAT (for our non-meat eaters out there), while hopefully not TRASHY BUTTS, SPLINT or SEAWAR. Whatever is in store for you today, dear Readers, I hope you enjoy it. God bless America.


1 comment:

  1. Burgers are on the menu for tonight, so I guess that makes us patriotic!
