I found this puzzle both delightful and a little too easy. But I don't mind that combination. First, make it entertaining. And the NYT Sunday puzzle isn't meant to be as much of a challenge as the Friday-Saturday pairing, so that's fine.
The NE and SW corners have quite a set of combined down answers, all of which are very strong, with the possible exception of BANDOLERO, which I needed crosses to get, and the L (crossing STOL, which stands for "short takeoff and landing", never heard of it) was a guess for me, fortunately correct.
1A: Aspect (FACET) is perfectly serviceable. I give it a straight C. I was amused by 1D: Steak cut (FLANK). I tried "t-bone" and "filet" first.
Oh, wait! I haven't talked about the theme yet. I really enjoyed it. Each one is a phrase you might find on instructions or on the outside of a box (or in one case, in an advertisement?), and then reclued in a completely silly way. My favorite, by far was 113A: Desert supermarket? (STOREINADRYPLACE). Ha! That is hi-larious. I also liked CONTAINSSMALLPARTS and BATTERYNOTINCLUDED.
I'll give this puzzle a hearty thumbs up, and turn blogging duties over to Horace, who gets 29 days this year in February.
- Colum
Well, and here I thought that this ran a tad hard for a Sunday, especially the middle sections. But I, too, enjoyed the theme and give the puzzle an overall thumbs up. 76D Target of a curfew, maybe (RIOTER) was unexpected. I had to guess on the SUBIC/BARRE cross, but it was correct. LEOVI is a bit random. Nice to see HERON make a comeback, and I liked BANDOLERO and ALLUDETO, as well as the Huygens fill, SMUT. Also, SPUTNIK was excellent, but required a few crosses for me.