Sunday, October 10, 2021

Sunday, October 10, 2021, Brandon Koppy


This isn’t going to be too long, I’m afraid, because I’m in the mountains of Vermont, and getting online to post is going to be something of a chore/miracle. I apologize in advance for the brevity, but maybe, after doing a long Sunday puzzle, you just want a little review to read. Right?


Anywho, the theme, as it says on the tin, takes a movie title and uses it as a clue for something other than the movie itself. Like Field of Dreams for PSYCHOANALYSIS and Star Trek for THEREDCARPET. As in, movie stars take a trip down the red carpet at the Oscars. Not bad. I think my favorite is Top Gun for TSHIRTCANNON. Hah! Although a T-shirt cannon always reminds me of poor Maude Flanders, who was killed by one in the Simpsons.


I enjoyed the uncommon fill like CUSHY (Lucrative and undemanding), SWANK (Luxurious), and PARLAYED (Increased into something much more valuable). I didn’t know Natasha’s last name was FATALE, but it makes sense, and “Reason the physicist stayed in bed?” was a funny way to clue INERTIA.


The theme got a little strange toward the end, with Space Jam for FLYMETOTHEMOON and A Man for All Seasons for BINGEWATCHER. I don’t fully understand either of those, but maybe that’s just me.


I don’t mean to be a MEANIE, but that’s about all I’ve got time for today. I hope you enjoyed it, and I’ll see you again tomorrow!


- Horace


  1. Okay, now I get the theme. Thanks. FWOE by misspelling FLUMES...a word I didn't know, and I didn't have an answer for "Wayne's World" so I settled for GOT HAT.

    Since you explained the theme to me, Horace, I'll take your logic and try and 'splain the two you didn't fully get. "FLY ME TO THE MOON" is a song. So, you could clue it with a "musical" kind o' clue, which has to do with outer space and has to be a movie title. (How am I doing so far?) So..."Space Song." Wait. "Space Jam." Yeah, "Space Jam!" :-) Okay, "A Man for All Seasons" is easier. A BINGE WATCHER will watch all the seasons of a show! TA-DA! Enjoy the mountains!

    1. I think it was the low oxygen levels that befuddled me. At least that's my story, and I'm sticking to it! :)

      But seriously, those make perfect sense now. Thanks!
