Monday, June 26, 2023

Monday, June 26, 2023, Taylor Johnson and Christina Iverson

PICKYPICKYPICKY! Like a TEAMCAPTAIN, we all need to make choices, but it's hard to choose between BANJOPLAYER and VEGETABLEFARMER as my favorite "picky" entry today. Both are necessary ingredients in a healthy life, if you ask me. Heh. But who did?

ROSIE the Riveter

But let me ask you something. Did it take you as long as it did me to figure out which bear's porridge was too cold? (MAMA). I guess it goes "Hot, cold, just right." Hopefully I can get that more solidly into my NOGgin. (TETE, for you francophiles.)

Interesting to find TROPE on a Monday, and LOME (Togo's capital) was a toughie. And does anyone still wear a PAGER? (I'll ask Colum, he's still "On-call" from time to time.) 

I kind of like how the end of MAKENICE lines up with NICHE. And next to those two, TOKEN always makes me think back to spending all my paper route money at the Silver Ball arcade in downtown Worcester. Ahh... the good old days. Back then I was drinking TANG, and we had a persian, not an ANGORACAT, but I will MAKENICE and not complain too much about that.

OK, when I start trying to cram in entries like that, I think it's time to wrap things up. I'll see you tomorrow.

- Horace

1 comment:

  1. Many docs still use pagers, but I have my pages forwarded to my cell phone. I liked the theme, which I did not see coming.
