Sunday, June 25, 2023

Sunday, June 25, 2023, John Westwig


Howdy Puzzlers! Horace here. It's been a while, and maybe I'm just rusty, but this Sunday puzzle took me about twice as long as Sundays usually do!

The theme is cute. Sometimes it works well:

"Event at a hot new club?" - INOUTING
"Compliment for a lexicographer?" - NICEMEANING (Har!)

And sometimes they were a little forced:

"A kiss, a hug, a wave, the works?" - WHOLEPARTING
"Whoa there, Warren G.!"? - EASYHARDING

Still, you've got to applaud the effort. 


And maybe the editors thought that the whole "opposites" thing would be too easy, because the clues for the rest of the puzzle seemed to be really souped up. Like "Old timer" (SANDGLASS) (nice!), "Famous drawing of a ship?" (SIRENSONG) (wow), "Secret service member?" (ELOPER), and "That one will never have again" (OFALIFETIME). Tricky! And then there were some that were just plain unexpected, like DECAPOD (Crab or lobster) ("seafood" also fit), MINGERA (Like much prized blue and white porcelain), RIGHTSMART (Considerably large, in Appalachian dialect), and FBISPY (Certain government agent, informally). And what about "Stop hiding behind?" for MOON. Hah!

I had a hard time, but I had fun. I guess that's what a Sunday puzzle ought to be - something to take up a lot of time on Sunday so you can't do all your chores... 

How'd you like it?

- Horace

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