Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Tuesday, March 5, 2019, Joe Deeney


This might be my favorite Tuesday theme ever. EVER. Am I being over-dramatic? You might say "IBELIEVESO," but let's examine the evidence, shall we?

First off, there's the simplicity of the theme clues, namely: "It has spots." And things start out straightforwardly, with PARKINGLOT and LEOPARDPRINT. COMMERCIALBREAK is a nice 15-letter example of something with spots in a different sense.

Then things start to get a little different. The clue changes: 48A: It has Spots (DOGGYDAYCARE), referring to the classic dog name. Although I know no dog and have never known a dog with that name, it is well recognized as a doggy name.

Finally, the ludicrous 57A: It has spots (TEASERVICE). For a while I stared at this, wondering what we were getting at. And then it hit me. A spot of tea. How British. And how amusing. We are definitely amused. I love it.

For the final piece of evidence that this is the best Tuesday ever, I put forward the fact that I can't think of any other Tuesday theme at all off the top of my head. So this one wins.

Meanwhile, the rest of the puzzle is fine. For music week, I'll note Sam's PIANO from Casablanca and the REED on a clarinet. Also there's LETITBE, one of my least favorite Beatles albums.

- Colum


  1. 8:55 (FWOE)
    A dumb error: I had an "a" at the RILE/ISTO cross. I thought it was a good theme for a Tuesday, also, but will we remember what it was next Tuesday? I think we'd be ATALOSS to do so. I'm getting accustomed to OXEYE, and have been entering it much more quickly of late. Always nice to see DARTH, even though everyone knows I'm more of a "Star Trek" than "Star Wars" person. Did anyone remember the nephew's BDAY today?
