Monday, December 1, 2014

Monday, December 1, 2014, John Guzzeta


I found this a rather unpleasant puzzle. Even the punny theme didn't cheer me up. SUITMYFANCY (11D: "You really ____!," said the adoring tailor). More like "Said no one in the past century." And speaking of last century, how 'bout that clue for DOOR (7D: One of three on "Let's Make a Deal." I'm pretty old, and that was before my time!

There's lots of TEC, DIR, ESL, SAC, OBS, MER, REATA, and URI, and then there's the PEE. UGH! My favorite word in the grid is ZEPHYRS (47A: Gentle winds), but it probably isn't a Monday word. And if it's not, REDOUBT (10D: Fortress) definitely isn't! But those two things make the puzzle at least a little more interesting.

Oh, maybe I'm being too harsh, but I didn't particularly like starting with 1D: Relative of a paddle (OAR), 2D: Con's opposite (PRO), and TEC (3D: Sleuth, in old crime fiction).

Let's focus on HIREE (46D: One landing a job) for a second, though, because today was my first day at my new job! It's a 9-5, 5-day-a-week job, and it's been a while since I had such a thing. I'm not sure yet how, or if, it will affect this blog, but even before I landed it there were changes being discussed - possibly for the new year. Stay tuned!

- Horace


  1. 4:33. Went by too quickly to notice, but in retrospect, there are an awful lot of three-letter answers (22). I wanted CAMPing. Other than that, nothing to report.

  2. You know, I had written a thing about how I tried CAMPing first, too, but I guess I edited it out.

  3. 6:10
    I also entered CAMPing first, but as you can see, it went quickly. ZEPHYRS was great and went in with no crosses, as did SITCOM. Any puzzle with LEI (ahhh, Hawai'i), PHYSICS and CELLO can't be all bad. And how about the MUTINY/FLOATMYBOAT PAIRUP? I'm far from down on this puzzle: ALLTOLD I'd AGREE that it wasn't FAB or BULLY, but fine for a Monday.
