Sunday, December 12, 2021

Monday, December 13, 2021, Tomas Spiers

As chance would have it, Friday night I watched a Netflix show called, in English, "The Bonfire of Destiny" (Le Bazar de la Charité, en français), which, as you might be able to guess from the English title, features a fire. The first episode dwelt heavily on the fire scenes, and as people's gowns caught fire, the old safety mantra STOPDROPANDROLL leapt to my mind. Imagine my surprise when it showed up again today as the puzzle revealer. Quelle coincidence! But, to go back to the topic at hand: I particularly liked fact that an extra step was necessary to get from the actual theme answers to the elements of the revealer: from RAILROADSTATION to STOP, MARKETCRASH to DROP, AND CINNAMONBUN to ROLL. Très drôle, n'est pas?

One PAWS served to MAWR my performance. I entered 'Rushing' in place of the correct RAPIDLY ("With haste"), which I blame for my slightly-over-six minute time, but a contributing factor could also have been that I was distracted by watching Sunday Night Football in the background.


I'm sure it'SNOW surprise to our dear readers that I enjoyed the international elements throughout the puzzle including ROAM, DIALECT, AMOUR, EUROS, NILE, and SYRIA. I also liked "Terse request to a bartender" (ANOTHERONE) and "In the public consciousness" (KNOWN).

I don't want to CRAB, but EARS one I didn't like so much: "Prevent through intimidation" (DETER). Overall, though, a fun SOLVE.



  1. Loved it! Needed to fill the entire thing to get the theme...and then I was in AWE. Great puzzle!

  2. Great concept for a puzzle theme! I really loved that I had no idea what was going on, particularly going from MARKETCRASH to CINNAMONBUN. What could they possible have in common? This one flew by in 2:41 for me. My app says I've actually solved a Monday faster than that, but not by much!

  3. 2:58 for me on this one, which I'm actually quite happy with, seeing as I put in BLACKMONDAY instead of MARKETCRASH, which was wrong in multiple ways (it was Black TUESDAY actually). So that required a whole lot of rewinding. And yeah the clever theme completely escaped me!
