Sunday, December 5, 2021

Sunday, December 5, 2021, Chase Dittrich and Jeff Chen


DAREI come right out and say that this theme does nothing for me? " ... FLOOR FLOOR FLOOR ..." is the clue for NEVERENDINGSTORY? Does that work? I mean, I get it - a floor is a story, and "never-ending story" is a thing ... but oughtn't it be "never ending stories" here, because " ... AMBITION AMBITION AMBITION ..." is answered with RECURRINGDREAMS. ... 


Oh, ok, at least it's a novel idea, right? And ADINFINITUM ( ... COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL ...) and BEARSREPEATING ( ... GRIZZLY GRIZZLY GRIZZLY ...) made me chuckle. But still, it's not my favorite.

But doesn't the grid look like it contains a little alien? Football-shaped head, big eyes, little legs...

[Note: Jeff Chen claims that the grid is supposed to contain an infinity symbol, which goes along with the theme.]

I like that David HUME is included. I should read more of his work. I loved "Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion." And I think he'd be happy to be crossed with PSEUDOSCIENCE (Astrology or palmistry).

Lots of unusual names - HUME, KERR, GUIDO, SANSA, NAS, RAFE, ERTE, AYRES, MARENGO - and plenty of CCS, EGOT, UTE, NON, GMC, CBS, ESE, ISE ...

Sorry Messrs. Dittrich and Chen, but I just wasn't feeling the LUV for this one. 

- Horace

1 comment:

  1. Aw, I was amused by the theme, although I see your point about consistency of singular vs plural. I did not see the infinity sign in the middle, even though I noticed the odd placement of black squares in that area.
