So begins The Big Lebowski, and so is the theme of this puzzle. Four times the letters of "weed" tumble through the middle of four Across answers, sort of rolling counter-clockwise while being read clockwise. And always working without the "roll" in the Downs. Very nice. And I'm clumping TWIRL (Go a few rounds, say?) in as side-theme.
Some nice QMC C/APs - "Beef that's aged?" (FEUD), "Make-up artists?" (LIARS), and "Heading in the right direction?" (EAST). Heh... maps.
In the good non-QMC category I will put "This might be rigged" (MAST), "Pop singer's nickname that omits 51-Across [ANA]" (ARI), "Shakespearean humor" (BILE) (not funny!), "Wings things" (ADLIBS) (lovely), "Kayak alternative" (EXPEDIA) (Hidden capital alert), and "Hexagon bordering two rectangles" (UTAH). Heh... maps.
MOIST (Like towelettes in a fast-food restaurant) is a word that some people love to hate. Me, I didn't like reading MIDGUT, but I'm not going to SOB about it. And speaking of words, what did we all think of SUHWEET ("Bee-you-tiful!")? I chuckled. And what more can one ask for when doing a crossword? Or anything, really. Make me laugh, and I will like you.
- Horace
I’ll tell you what I thought of SUHWEET - that it was spelled SUuWEET, so FWOE IS ME. :( Also, “Shakespearean humor” (BILE) = hilarious. The CA/P “Beef that’s aged” for FEUD was a prime rib.