Monday, June 20, 2016

Monday, June 20, 2016, Jason Mueller


All the people mentioned in this puzzle could join its clubs, except they're not that kind of club. Still, it's a nice parade of people from ANDERS, GILDA, and GEORG to ELIEWIESEL and ADAMDRIVER. There are 16 specific people mentioned - 17 if you count the SAMI, as a specific group of people.

The theme seems suited to a Monday puzzle, but left me a little cold. Although, it does bring to mind one of my favorite moments in the Simpsons. Homer is out golfing and someone mentions the club he'll need to use, and he says, "mmmm ... open-faced sand wedge." Classic.

Despite a LIL bit of crosswordese in the threes - the worst maybe being 67. Dict. entries (WDS) - there was some nice fill including WAFFLEIRON, BROWNIES, and DOWNGRADED. I love the word LOLLS (with or without the s) and the word SMIDGE. Makes me think of Zuzu.

It EMERGES that I like 1A. Wonderment (AWE) just fine. It gets a B.

~ Frannie.


  1. 4:11
    I was confused by the crossing of ELIJAHWOOD with ELIEWIESEL. Were we dealing with a secret Yale theme? What's that club Dubya belonged to? Naughts and Crosses? Oh, yeah. Skull and Bones. Anyway, it wasn't. I am no fan of golf. Fortunately, my PARADISE may be made up of BROWNIES.

  2. 7:22
    For some reason, this took a bit longer than most Mondays for me, even though I didn't find it particularly difficult. I thought it a high quality puzzle. Can I get an AMEN? Obviously, any puzzle with ROME is fine by me.
