Saturday, June 25, 2016

Saturday, June 25, 2016, Kameron Austin Collins


Of the six tens in today's puzzle, I am most familiar with two of them: DONTSASSME - I say that at work all the time - and HEADSTONES - a hard thing to avoid. I had to look up OLIVERREED. I recognized him from the photos I found on the World Wide Web, but I couldn't have picked him out of a lineup ten minutes ago.

But, enough about the tens, what about the elevens? SHOEADDICTS had a tricky clue, but the shoe addict would have to have a very serious problem if they literally had only wedge issues. I've never heard of a SCREENERDVD, but it was definitely gettable from the crosses.

I thought 34A. Point of computer technology? (PIXEL) was good. I liked that YOOHOO crossed with OHOH at the O. And how about the appearance of SOCLE? You definitely do not see that every day. My favorite might have been 16A. Short pants? (TROU). Ha!

It's been a long day today, so I am going to put on my ALOHASHIRT and say goodnight.

~ Frannie.


  1. 19:04
    Solved with my mother, which certainly helped, as she knew DARIO Fo, PILAR from Hemingway, and Mobuto Sese SEKO. In fact, I think we were solving together the last time I saw that name in the puzzle! I like the two "short" clues, 4D: Short while? (THO) and 16A, which you mentioned above. We completed the NW and the SE on their own, then had to find ways to connect the middle. SOCLE is... well, a necessary bit of glue for those nice long answers down the middle. HOTSYRUP!! Mmmmm...

  2. DNF
    I had the NW down through the W filled in, but not a great deal anywhere else.
