Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Tuesday, July 2, 2019, Peter Gordon


Initially, I had some trouble with the theme answers - actors with the same initials as characters they play in movies. Although I've seen all but one of the movies mentioned in the clues (never saw "Spotlight"), I don't know any of the movies well enough to know the characters names, without which it was difficult for me to guess the corresponding thespian. But, no matter! Thanks to the supporting cast of non-theme answers, I had the information I needed to complete the grid. Reel interesting that these initial coincidences occur between role and performer and that they all fit into one puzzle, and most of them all in one go.

I'm giving two thumbs up for the following parts:
Sloth, for example (SIN) -
Citrus garnish in a mixed drink" (TWIST)
Strong string (TWINE) - Twine is a great word.
Do the wrong thing (ERR)
Lummox (APE)
Is sociable at a party (MINGLES)
And the Oscar goes to...
It's stuffed with dough (ATM) - ha!

Nice to have the pairs SOSO and TUTU and SHE and HIM right next to each other in the south east.


IWOnder if there was something wrong with the clue at 30D? Or maybe there is something I don't get - it wouldn't be the first time. In my app, the clue reads: What " - with just that one quotation mark after the word What and nothing else. The answer turned out to be LESSTHAN, which was exactly how I felt about the clue. :)

My one rotten tomato award goes to NBAERS. It's LAM.



  1. 3:43
    Odd - 30D in my app reads "Symbol above the comma on a keyboard," for which the answer should be "less than sign," and not LESSTHAN. But okay. I found the theme interesting but hardly world shaking. And I would rather have had Jimmy Stewart, rather than JAMESSTEWART, which feels oddly formal, especially considering his more common appellation would have fit in the same space. Otherwise I'm impressed by the five themers with the intersections, and I think over all the puzzle is quite good.

  2. 5:14

    I'm pretty sure I had "What < means" as a clue for 30D, which was right on. But now it reads as Colum's. Maybe the display thing was a problem for more than just Frannie.

    1. It was a problem for me, too. I am using the NYTimes app on an Ipad.

  3. 8:16
    On Across Lite, the clue is 30D What "<" means. Strange that there's so much trouble on other platforms. I enjoyed the puzzle quite a bit, but like Frannie, haven't seen all of the movies, OTHERWISE it went along pretty smoothly. I thought that BIKERBAR's clue (22D Establishment that might have a lot of hogs in front) was the best. I also enjoyed that MOPEDS is in the grid, as most hog riders probably wouldn't be seen on one of those. I agree with Colum on JAMESSTEWART; no one ever refers to the man like that. I did try heWN where SAWN goes, but changed it pretty quickly.
