Monday, February 14, 2022

Monday, February 14, 2022, Alan Siegel

I don't know about you, but my day went a little like this – the ALARMCLOCK went off early, then I used my ROLODEX to find a florist. I consulted my COMPASS to find my way there while tracking my steps on a PEDOMETER, then I used a CAMCORDER to record Frannie’s reaction to seeing the flowers!


OK, none of that actually happened. And really, I’ve never used my SMARTPHONE for any of these things. I haven’t set an alarm in years (I’m old now, I get up early automatically), I have a separate device for step-tracking, I have an actual compass that I used to use when I was scouting properties that I had to photograph (got to know where the light will be when), and as for a rolodex… ok, I guess I have used my phone to look up a number, so they’ve got me there.

But I’m not like most people, I don’t think, and for the majority, this should seem like a perfectly good theme. 😊

Today, I’m more interested in the rest of the fill. PIECHART (Apt infographic for showing a bakery’s sales) gets a nice clue, PIVOT (Turn on an axis) is unusual, STILETTO is a nice word, but a silly way to build a shoe, and I kind of enjoy the repetition of OOH (Reaction to fireworks) in YOOHOO ("Hello-o-o-o!").

COOPERS (Cask makers) was fun, but I’m pretty tired of ARCED (Rainbow-shaped). How many people say that word?

Finally, it’s too bad INKPOT (Receptacle into which a quill is dipped) couldn’t have been worked into the theme somehow. I bet many who might have used an inkpot when writing a letter (a century or two ago) would now instead dictate texts into their phone.

Oh, and by the way, it’s Horace again today, filling in as a Valentine’s Day gift for Frannie. She’ll be here tomorrow. 

Happy Valentine's Day!

-          Horace

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