Thursday, July 21, 2022

Thursday, July 21, 2022, Anne Marie Crinnion and Eric Bornstein

We've had some chatter over the years here at HAFDTNYTCWPFCFA as to the aesthetics of clues such as 21D, 31D, and 59D. Namely, "-." On the one hand, the clue gives away that something weird is going on here. On the other hand, cluing the answers separately runs into giving away the overall theme. Or maybe it would make some people miss the theme entirely? I'm torn. 

In any case, today's theme is great. 46A: Options at the top of a computer window ... as seen three times in this puzzle? (DROPDOWNMENU) is such a good revealer for what's happening. In each case, a long answer drops the last four letters into a down answer, each of which is a menu heading in most computer programs: "file," "view," and "edit." 

The menus are well hidden in their respective answer, including HIGHPROFILE, SCHOLARLYREVIEW, and STORECREDIT. The last one is the best, because it's not just the last syllable. Also, extra points to the constructors in having one of the dropped menus cross into another theme answer at the crossing of 21D and 27A!

Also, my eyes immediately wanted to play the same game elsewhere in the puzzle: POLISCI/RKS? HAWKISH/ON??

At least I amuse myself.

From yesterday's Spelling Bee

Some fun clues today:

11D: Noted web developer (SPIDERMAN). Nice.

16A: Neither over nor under, but a round? (EVENPAR). Wow!

2D: Paper strip (COMIC). Oof - tough one.

And who knew that about OCELOTS? It's disturbing just to think about.

Fun Thursday, coming in at a quick 5:10.

- Colum

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