Saturday, November 6, 2021

Sunday, November 6, 2021, Sid Sivakumar


Hey everyone! I'm back, after a couple of weeks off, and so eager to get going that I'm blogging on Saturday night. Actually, I'm trying to stay up a little later, and take the dogs out at an hour they're not used to, in the hopes that I can actually enjoy the extra hour associated with Daylight Savings tonight...

Opening the grid up revealed vast tracts of white squares, with only 124 entries. I broke in with 22A, one of my favorite Disney movies (THELITTLEMERMAID). The amazing songs by Menken and Ashman made it feel like a Broadway musical. I had already come across their work in Little Shop of Horrors, and they went on to write Beauty and the Beast and Aladdin before Ashman's untimely death from AIDS.

There are some fun very long answers here, like 92A: Special delivery? (KEYNOTEADDRESS), MEDICINECHEST and CANDYCOUNTERS. 38D: Acquired family member (MOTHERINLAW) feels like it's got some unpleasant vibes, but it doesn't have to be that way, right?

Some of the clues that made me smile:

72A: Employees who work a lot (VALETS). Very nice.

4D: Drones, e.g. (MALES) - boy, I had no idea where this one was going.

52A: Spoils (HAUL). Not a plural answer!

17D: They get left in the dust (PRINTS).

DAEDALUS, HOLODECKS, so much to like. Fun stuff. Maybe some day I'll get to San MARINO. Looks lovely.

- Colum

1 comment:

  1. Loved this one. Loved the grid, for starters, and you picked out all my favorite clues! Played hard for me - lucky I had that extra hour this morning! :)
