Thursday, February 14, 2019

Thursday, February 14, 2019, John E. Bennett and Jeff Chen


Huh. I'm not exactly SENT by this theme. I get the idea: the revealer, OUTOFORDERSIGNS indicates that the other answers are road signs anagrammed into the clues. Because of the convention in the NYT (and maybe other crosswords, I don't know) that anagrammed clues are put in all caps, there wasn't much of an aha moment for me, although I do like the way the revealer finds a different way of interpreting its phrase.

In any case, just in case you were wondering, "NOTED TENOR" was not Pavarotti (which would have been very impressive just under IPAGLIACCI) and "DOOR DECALS" were not Wacky Packs.

Meanwhile, before this review becomes more INCOHERENT, I've never heard of CANOE cologne ("Can You Canoe?"), so there's something learned.

Anyway, I won't attack any more OYSTERS with a TROWEL looking for pearls. I look forward to Thursdays, and today's wasn't my cup of tea. Let's look ahead to the rest of the turn.

- Colum


  1. 10:23

    Yeah, maybe not the greatest theme, but I thought the revealer was very good, and made the whole thing more entertaining. And speaking of entertaining, I haven't seen IPAGLIACCI, but that last line seems very clever, and it makes me think that maybe I should. Maybe I, too, could "rido" along with the old clown... at least until the end, that is. Ha!

  2. 21:33
    It was fine. Recently we had a road sign with which I wasn't previously acquainted: "Chains Required / Maximum Speed 15 MPH." It turns out that I could have driven without the chains, but I didn't want a fine. No rebus, so not my ideal Thursday.
