Friday, May 6, 2022

Friday, May 6, 2022, Aaron Ullman

The offset stack seems to be getting more popular, doesn't it? Here, the central three entries get less interesting as you go down. HEWENTTHERE ("Did I just hear him say that?!") is modern and hip, WINORGOHOME (Principle indicating "No second chances") is sportsy and macho, and then WINDOWFRAME (Outer border for 36-Across (PANES)) seems to have realized it was boring and just punted the clue.


On another topic, I'd like to know how many people actually bother to toast a POPTART before eating it. I know my father does, but I would wager that he is not a typical POPTART consumer. (Hi Dad! EOCENE (Big epoch for mammals) was my first entry today! :) ) I have, I guess, but if I were to somehow come into come into possession of a frosted strawberry one, say, there is zero chance I'd bother pulling out the toaster before biting it.

I'm torn about this puzzle. I liked certain elements - things like WOO (Court), ASITWERE (So to speak), and the new-to-me DADVICE (Fatherly tips, to use a portmanteau coinage) - but a lot of it seemed PROSY. "Skating expos" for ICESHOWS, "Traffic light" for SIGNAL, "Napa excursion" for WINETOUR. I mean, what else could they have been? 

And then there were others that tried a little too hard, like "Turn-on for a bartender?" (SPIGOT). Tap, sure. SPIGOT? Not very often, I don't think. I see that it can mean a plug in a cask, but that's not commonly known, and even if it were, how many bartenders are opening casks? "Blue print?" for SEAMAP? OK. And I did not like having to change HISTORYbuff to HISTORYNERD (One who loves to bring up the past). 

And I know I'm wont to say I enjoy old-timey answers from time to time, so I should have been happy to see SNOODS, EKE, TAT, FSTOP, ADE, and WAHINE, but today they just seemed DREAR

I did like seeing THOMAS in the grid. :) And TENABLE's a good word. A SPRINGFLING (Short relationship) is fun, and ADUNIT (Half-page, perhaps) was very tricky.

AAH, what are you gonna do?

- Horace


  1. Well! Today is my birthday and as such, it is an Auspicious Day. And this crossword was a real treat for me. There's ONT, my home province! And THOMAS, my real first name! And ANSEL, a pretty-much-straight-up cryptic clue (some of you know my predilections on that front)! Yes, no argument with some of your nits, Horace, but SOBEIT - despite dropping DADLORE in there and suffering accordingly, it was 5:44 of birthday pleasantness.

    Have a nice weekend, all my crosswording friends!

    1. Wait - did we discuss that THOMAS is your real first name? Because, as you know, it's also mine. :) And in addition to sharing a name with me, you share a birthday with my oldest (man, he's old!) brother! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

    2. These are the karmic threads that bind us together! Speaking of which, I'm starting to mull over BOSWORDS. Should I? Should I??

    3. Thanks for reminding me! I will plan to be there in person this year.

  2. Happy Birthday, Philbo o' mine!

    I found out on Facebook that this puzzle is the constructor's first ever published crossword anywhere -- so the solve impressed me. My only hang-up was trying desperately to make the "Romanian Rhapsodies" composer ENESCU -- since as far as I know, that's the correct name. But that wouldn't work with REST ON, so I gave in.

    Kelly <--who might eat a POP TART raw, but never an English muffin!

    1. Agree completely about the English muffin. Raw? What are we, animals?

    2. LOL!!! <-- I literally laughed out loud at this :)

  3. Happy birthday, Philbo-with-a-T!
