Saturday, April 30, 2022

Saturday, April 30, 2022, Joe Dipietro

Well, the themeless puzzles in The Turn did not disappoint this week. Both put up hard fights, and had plenty of fun and interesting answers with tough clues.

I will register my official (not official because I have no standing other than what we have given ourselves by writing this blog) (maybe official because Will Shortz expressed a hope that we weren't going to stop any time soon) complaint about the 1A and 2D. It is certainly true that a BOG is often an archaeological site, and I didn't fall for the more obvious diG. I don't like the clue "During" for OVER. Of course, now, looking at it, I can't see why I thought eVER would work. Ah well.

I also had an error at the crossing of TANKA and TUGS. I tried lUGS for "Jerks," and have never heard of this particular Japanese poetry form. But this one I chalk up to a learning moment.

The three grid-spanning answers are fun and fresh. NEVERFELTBETTER is great, while GAMESHOWNETWORK is a fine answer whose clue was actually a little too easy for this solver. The best clue of the three comes at 56A: People may never get over it (BARBEDWIREFENCE). Hah!

Do they look wise?

Some other fun clues:

30A: Poorly written words (SCRAWL) - hits home for this doctor.

59A: Musical segment (ACTII). Nice the use of "musical" as a noun rather than an adjective.

12D: One working for a dictator (STENO). True in so many senses.

33D: About to be sold (GOINGONCE) - unexpected!


Tomorrow we turn things back to Horace. See you in a couple of weeks!

P.S. There is a theme to the pictures in my posts this week - any guesses as to what might connect them all together?

- Colum


  1. I fell for diG because I was so convinced of diNG (diNG) - why is BANG (BANG) attention-grabbing? Unless we're talking about actual pistol shots... but I don't think we are. Anyway, that NW corner did me in today. I knew AVI just had to be right, but I couldn't part with diNG. Sigh.

    So, early on, I thought you were going with a movie theme - Lego, Sin City, Moonstruck, Auntie Mame, Bambi, but then you lost me at MOSH pit and owls. ... I'll give it a little more thought as I write the review today (Sunday).

    1. There are no wrong answers... but yours wasn't right.
