Sunday, December 6, 2020

Sunday, December 6, 2020, Tony Orbach


Or, to put it another way, "Here, get [take] out 'of.'" We here at HAFDTNYTCPFCA love a wackily clued theme, and this re-purposing of familiar phrases where the word "of" has been removed suits me just fine. 

The NONAME restaurant, Boston

The central STREAMCONSCIOUSNESS (Knowing everything that's available to view on Netflix?) is perfect for this shut-in, streaming era. And I also chuckled at COMEDYERRORS (Stand-up's bombs?). In all there are nine theme answers, and I don't have a problem with any of them. So very well done there. 

Aside from the theme entries, there's nothing over nine letters long, and even then, there are only two of those, so it's a little light on bonus material. Luckily, both of the nines are very good - MINDBLOWN ("Whoa!"), and the topical DEARSANTA (Start of a seasonal request). 

I like the look of ISSHE (Joe Jackson's "____ Really Going Out With Him?") in the center, but I got a little ANG OUI when I FWOE'd on "105D: Exclamations of regret." I had entered oYS, and, regrettably, did not know the name of the "Peninsula shared by Italy, Slovenia and Croatia" (ISTRIA). (Who exclaims "Ay" when they are regretful?) Nor did I know "Actor Rutger of "Blind Fury," (HAUER), so I found that whole SW corner very tricky. 

Overall, though, things moved right along, and I enjoyed it all right up until that last corner. So Thumbs Up.

Frannie takes the reins of this sleigh tomorrow, and I'll be back for the week containing Christmas. I hope your December is going as well as it possibly can be.

- Horace


  1. 34:02
    I didn't know ISTRIA either, but luckily CHICA was its cross. I wanted "gentrify" (which doesn't quite work) where CITIFY goes, but knew by the time that I got to the SW that there was no rebus. I guess BONECONTENTION is my favorite of the theme answers, although, as Horace mentions, they all AMUSE. Shout out to UMBRA. Sue and I would be heading to Chile about now to stand in the Moon's shadow for the third time had it not been for COVID-19. I'm still hoping for Antarctica next December (363 days from today), but we'll see what happens. PEZ had a funny clue (44A Brand that comes out a head?).

  2. DNF

    Alas -- or I should maybe say...AYS...that SW corner defeated me. (Although looking back, I should've been able to fill it from the crossers, having COMEDY ERRORS already in place! *And* CHICA!) But I simply couldn't believe ISTRIA and AYS. The theme was fun, though!
